Hello February 2024

I had every plans to make this post on 31st of January but here I am on the ninth day. Lazy? maybe. Maybe not. But I want a to-do list for the rest of the month. I have been wondering for a theme to select and I am in bits and pieces. Apart from closing an academic semester, the month so far has been handling bits and pieces of work and a few health concerns.

Yes, I want to handle my won circus and my own monkeys. Here is a list.

1. Reading: Complete 4 novels, 10 research papers

2. Writing: 10 blog posts, 10 instagram poems, 1 novella completed and published

3. Workshops: host 2 short workshops

4. Research writing: Organization of thesis chapters and first version of all chapters (200 pages)

5. Academic Writing: 3 camera ready papers, 2 paper drafts, 1 book chapter, 1 business/marketing paper submission, 1 concept paper, 5 reviews

6. Personal: Travel (short trip), eat a lot, exercise less, finish 3 series and take care of health

7. Collaboration: reach out at least 6 people for collaboration work

i 4 you – The Journey

It was around 27th of October 2016 and I had seen one of my fellow bloggers writing about taking the NaNoWriMo challenge. I got curious and explored more to know that the challenge was about writing 50,000 words in 30 days of November. That looked challenging, especially with all the professional and personal works. I decided to take up the challenge and hoping time will lead through the path.

At first, the novel was about putting together the disconnected threads. There was no plot. Though I used to blog, I had never imagined writing a story as big as 50,000 words. I was scribbling short stories of the characters that come into my mind, some from experience and some from imagination. Soon, I could see the connection between threads and everything coming together.

For the entire second week of November, I had travels to be made relating to my research work. I lost near to 7 days. When I came back home, I promised myself that I would complete this no matter what. For the entire month, I had a pen and paper with me scribbling short notes and plots. There was nothing else that was in my mind for the entire month. WRIMO India group was supportive and I made the best use of sprints hosted for the entire month. By November 28th, I had reached the target of 50K words. The novel was completed with 53K odd words by the end of the month. That is when the first version of ‘i 4 you’ was ready.

The exhaustion, saturation, personal and professional works kept me away from the first draft at least till March of 2017. Then I got to know about Camp NaNoWriMo which happens every April and July. I started setting targets of 40 hours of editing in each of the camps. As well, started editing whenever time permitted.

I had few friends review it after a few rounds of editing. I must mention and Thank Vishwanath Telsang for reading all the crappy versions and suggesting to me the edit changes. The version which I thought was good to go after around 200 hours of editing apparently was smelly and crappy. I would see even some grammar and spelling issues dancing over the pages. It was frustrating. I could see some unnecessary chapters. After another 100 hours of more editing, the novel had finally come down to 38K words from 53K words.

I then started sending it out to traditional publishing houses. Then came the rejections one after another, some months later, some weeks later and some no replies (a no response for 6 months is a rejection). I stayed professional throughout the journey. I waited until the rejection mail before sending it to another house. I had nothing to do. Just sit and wait. The journey wasn’t easy. I don’t remember anything I did not try.


This story is close to me. I badly wanted this to be released as a hard copy. I knew I had to wait. I knew the writing had to be improved. I knew I had to improve. In the meantime, I had completed 3 more NaNoWriMo’s with passing 3 more Novembers. Gosh, that was a lot of piling! Will I ever get over my pile of unpublished works? Will I be able to edit them and send them out?

I had to settle. Somewhere. Maybe it’s just me who feels this one is special. Maybe it’s not. Nothing can make a writer happy than the work being read by many. No matter whether they feel good or bad, whether they rate 1 or 5, it’s the number of people it touches and how they feel about it. I gave a final round of edit and reduced the word count to 33K. This had to stop. Somewhere. I had already spent 300+ hours.

I wanted this to be read by as many. I want to be remembered for writing ‘i 4 you’. I want the parts of this novel to stay with as many people as possible. With all the love, I am releasing my novel as a free ebook.  You can download and read it.  I would love to hear from you on how you felt about the book.

i 4 you


The Ebook can downloaded here: i 4 you

P.S. I am going to have a bigger and better book, printed and published. I need your wishes for the edits of ‘The Art of Ageing Gracefully.’

A Day in Cafe

I had been to a conference in Thiruvananthapuram, and it was my first visit to the city, though I had been to other parts of Kerala several times. After the conference, I had a day off for myself, for I had my plans not knowing yet on where to make it happen.  As strange as it sounds, but truer. I had carried my printed novels for editing with a highlighter, colored pens, pencil, scale, small cards and everything else that is required. I checked out of my room (I had to by 11.00 am) not knowing where to head next. I had a bus to catch at 9.00 pm and I had all day waiting for me to throw in some excitement.

I had expected it to be a sunny day like the previous but the rain had surprised me. I had to surprise back to maintain the natural order. I checked out with small luggage that I had carried and run towards the nearest shelter.  I could see that it was a coffee house ( Turf Café and Bistro ) but looked like nothing that from outside. I, however, took steps inside with no further thoughts standing there in awe for what I saw.

The Cafe, at the welcome.

I really did not want a coffee. However, hoping that the rain would stop, I started looking for something very minimal from the menu, something for 30-45 mins. I ordered a vanilla cream coffee (not sure if that exactly was the name) and sat there with balminess, looking at every corner, which gave welcoming hospitality to the much-needed stranger like me.  Then, after around 10 minutes while when the order is almost about to arrive, I have this lighting moment.

“Sir, can I sit here all day long, maybe till 7.00 pm and do my works?”
“Yes, sir. You can take *that* seat!”
“Thank you.”
“I hope you will order something!”
“Definitely. I am going to have my lunch, snacks, and everything else here!”
“Sure, sir.”
“Thanks a lot!”

That is what led to one of my best days ever! I spent my whole day, working with my novel edits. There was also Mr. Bean series being played on a large screen which for me, was incredible writing support. The food was delicious and so were the staff around. I liked the menu and the smiles they offered. That day, for me, was a bliss. I am sure that every writer or a reader like me would agree that there is nothing more beautiful than this.

Cheers to the perfect day!

The Great Gatsby – Review

Indian Bloggers

I had decided to read one novel per month this year as referred in my post Reboot, Restart and Resume. Its 2017. For January I had picked the classic, “The Great Gatsby”. Here is what I take away from the Novel!


At times novels must be read to understand the heart and soul that author has put in, to bring those picture through words.  F. Scott Fitzgerald sets the plot with social history of America during 1920’s on the prosperous Long Islands. It’s the story which brings out the culture during the period and along with that goes the love story of Jay Gatsby.

For the Pleasure of Reading
For the first 50-60 pages of the book I was confused and wondering where the book was going.  Then later I could not drop it until I finished reading it. I got so much involved that I also saw the movie. Like said, the book is not just the plot. The writing style is very impressive and narration gives the warmth. The incidents reveal the truth at the right moment in time keeping the curiosity in the readers.

No wonder it is a classic and I feel, one should read such writings without having a thought of review/critique and only for the pleasure of reading. It is a book with many ‘Oh’ and ‘Wow’ moments. My gratitude and thanks to Rashmi from the blog Mind and Life Matters for suggesting this novel.

Beyond 24 – Novel

Indian Bloggers



Time is hideous, rigid and always on time. From time travel machine to fast forward future, time has been visualized in varying dimensions. The exquisiteness of time is that it always gives a new perspective to investigate and inspire.

Beyond 24 is a love story where the hours of time are bound to love. Time arranges meet of two people, everyday increased by an hour. The question is what happens on the 25th day!

It is a quick read (Like 30 minutes) and I assure that the curiosity will keep on. It’s also a FREE download!

It’s available here:

Beyond 24

Let me know if you give a read! Yayy!

NaNoWriMo: Journey from 0 to 50K

Indian Bloggers

Look what November of 2016 did!


Every journey has a take-away in it. NanoWriMo had a lot more than the happiness of having 50k word count, winner title, certificate and few goodies.

It was not about 50k word count. It was how each word added to the count making it 50k. The journey started with sprints organized by WRIMO INDIA group. I used to write at morning 11.00 am and night 9.00 pm sprints which were 30 minutes each. In each sprint which used to happen either on twitter, NaNo forum or Facebook, I got 1000 plus words. As there were fellow writers writing along with me, it added an extra zeal and passion to aim for the highest word count in every sprint. While free I used to plan what to write during the sprint schedules. As there was a good progress with initial two sprints per day, I started hosting a sprint at 7.00 pm and managed to do so in the last two weeks of the month. By 25th of the month I had hit my 50k. The last 5 days were the toughest. I had to write around 7k more and was short of words. Had to look for plots to fit inside the novel and extend it.

Through the November, I made many new friends, interacted with other writers, got a chance to motivate other writers, I can append this list with a lot many such. There were people with much hectic schedule and commitments than mine but still had every hope of writing and making it to the word count. They did. The Facebook group was a “never-give-up environment”. The India ML’s and other writings WRIMOs were equally encouraging to anyone who wants to write. The NaNoWriMo site had a lot of inspirational materials too. The pep talks, regular events, forum discussions, encouraging statistical charts all made the journey worth its every step. Though November had its own personal and professional commitments, with the existing support it was not difficult for the novel to keep baby steps every day and turn to fully fledged youth in month’s time. It had just glued into the daily routine, perfectly!


Above all of it, there is happiness of getting the first draft of novel ready. There is an excitement that now I want to experiment and try out the various sequencing of chapters to best fit the flow of plots. I am all ready for the edit and fill the missing gaps and loops. I will be releasing a novel as ebook and free download.

Look what November of 2016 did! It packed me bundles of cherish-able memories and left me wanting for more! My sincere thanks to everyone who supported in the journey and making it through.  Well, I now know my plans for November! Every November ahead!

Related Posts:

1. i 4 you – NaNoWriMo 
2. NaNoWriMo 2016 – Week 1 Updates
3. NaNoWriMo 2016 – Week 2 Updates
4. NanoWriMo 2016 – Week 3 Updates
5. NaNoWriMo 2016 – Week 4 Updates 
6. i 4 you – Preface

NaNoWriMo 2016 – Week 4 Updates

Indian Bloggers

Well, I will be wrapping up my experience in one more post at the end of the month. But for now, its time for little celebration!


Well, that happened on 25th November and here is my stats!


With that comes a very cool certificate!


Related Posts:

1. i 4 you – NaNoWriMo 
2. NaNoWriMo 2016 – Week 1 Updates
3. NaNoWriMo 2016 – Week 2 Updates
4. NanoWriMo 2016 – Week 3 Updates
5. i 4 you – Preface

i 4 you – Preface

Indian Bloggers


i 4 you” is my NaNoWriMo novel that I am writing this month. There are still 8 days left and I have around 5K odd words to complete. It’s been a enjoyable journey so far. I know editing a 50k words novel is going to take a lot of time and I plan to release it as a free download like I have done for my other ebooks. However, I can always share the bits and pieces of it to keep the excitement on. Here I share the Preface of it.


With every sunrise the sky winks to the earth and passes a complimenting ‘Hello’.  The radiance lightens the point in time for green, brown, blue and colorless. With this milieu, we human beings are put into an acting profession. A possibility to earn the daily bread being the foremost objective, the time continuum also stages the drama adding variety of sentiments to the living. Sometimes these stories set out so much involvement that they carry a message for the era. It is a crucial necessity to pen them down to leave behind a larger impact to the social order.

“i 4 you” is a piece of writing which tells a story of lost one sided love. Oh wait, that is not it! It is about how two loving souls got tied for eternal togetherness. It is a story of how success of one’s love ruined for another. Oh wait, that is not only it! It is about how sacrifice of one was happiness to many. Okay. That is not the take away. There is more. The characters in this story excel in acting. They are supposed to pass on the message loud and clear. I am hoping that they are going to be successful in that.

Life and love gift us with the color wrapped complications. Our life story is knit with so many jargon’s that only a twist at regular intervals can sort out those intricate interwoven complicates. “i 4 you” is one such life and love story. It’s the end which makes sense. It’s the end, which opens the possibilities. Otherwise, it is just a convoluted social romantic drama.

The 4 here is a symbol for many 4’s like care, miss, hate, like, love, lust etc. On top of the pyramid is the lust. Lust takes the strapping position than love.  That is what every chapter in this book speaks about. The many 4’s.  Those 4’s that impact the life.  The words might seem effortless at certain places but so is not the story.

Related Posts:

1. i 4 you – NaNoWriMo 
2. NaNoWriMo 2016 – Week 1 Updates
3. NaNoWriMo 2016 – Week 2 Updates
4. NanoWriMo 2016 – Week 3 Updates

NaNoWriMo 2016 – Week 3 Updates

Here I am winding up my third Sunday of NaNoWriMo month, with a cup of hot chocolate, happily staring at those timely numbers!


This month has been very supportive to me. The first week was major of NaNoWriMo and less of my professional works. Second week was dead opposite. Again, third week went with most of NaNoWriMo scribbles. My fourth week needs catch up of my lagging research work, but hey, I just need 700 words per day to finish on time!


My plan ahead is to write everyday evening 7.00 to 8.00 pm and finish those remaining 7K odd words in next ten days or before.  I have been happy with the way the plot of my novel “i 4 you” has progressed. A lot of contribution to this progressive word count is also from WRIMO India fellow writers. The Facebook group is hyperactive and gives boost to every writer.

November 17th was celebrated as ML (Municipal Liaison) Appreciation day and I dedicated a poem to our three ever cheerful and Supportive ML’s.

The NaNoWriMo November Express

As we jump in,
The NanoWriMo train,
WRIMO India compartment,
Showers the love rain!

Cheers of enthusiasm,
Endless flow of liveliness,
Back bone of support,
Bogie of craziness!

We have the best ML’s,
Sonia, Piyusha and Shail,
We have the best ML’s,
Need no search, anywhere else!

If you are participating as well, add me as your buddy there. My id is prakash_hegade. Happy writing everyone! Smiles! 

Related Posts:

1. i 4 you – NaNoWriMo 
2. NaNoWriMo 2016 – Week 1 Updates
3. NaNoWriMo 2016 – Week 2 Updates