Moon, The Secret Keeper


Wishes and desires,
Just or unjust,
Born in the dark,
Crawl with a dance,
Demand the light.

I show my darkness,
Say they are true,
They are, in-fact,
I then,
Demand love.

I wait for answers,
And wait,
I guess,
It’s going to be forever!

Like light flies,
Everything’s dying,
Even when dying,
Still beautiful.

My dear secret keeper.

IBMC Challengers – June 2018

This is a summary post of challengers who have completed or on-going with the Incredible Blogger Marathon Challenge for the month of May/June 2018. The challenge was instantiated in the early second week of April 2016(It’s been more than two years now!) and a part of WordPress Event which can be found HERE.


‘A girl who writes’ from the blog The Quill is the Fiftieth blogger to complete this challenge. There are ten amazing posts that everyone got to read. The first one can be found here: Shoulder of Support.

Frothywinter from the blog A Splashdash Talk is the Fifty First blogger to complete this challenge. The ten posts are deeply engaging and pleasure reads. The first one can be found here: Fly High.

Willy and Junny from the Blog Bike and Backpacker are the Fifty Second to complete this challenge. The ten Journey posts will take the readers on a funny ride. I have enjoyed reading all the ten posts. The First one can be found here: Phrase a Paragraph Challenge.

Dailycatnips is the Fifty Third blogger to complete this challenge. There ten thoughtful, funny, involving posts out there. The first one can be found here: Phrase a Paragraph Challenge.

‘Thank you’ to all who have taken/been taking the challenge and to all who have liked them. Feel free to take up the challenge if it excites you!:-)

A list of all the completed challengers can be found HERE.Â