Love, in 10 Sentences

I was chosen by Ameena to write a post on “What is Love in Ten Sentences”. And the twist- each sentence must be composed of four words. Then write done your favorite quote on “Love”.


Love in Ten Sentences:

Love’s not only care.

Love’s present every where.

Love’s not only fight.

Love’s together putting right.

Love’s not only madness.

Love’s also sharing sadness.

Loves’ not only bounded.

Love’s being always surrounded.

Love cannot be defined.

Love can be loved.


My favorite Love quote:

Every love story is beautiful. But ours is my favorite.


Good things are to be passed on. So, i here by nominate the following bloggers to spread “love”. The task is to write in ten sentences about what is love and each should be composed of four words. Then sum it up with your favorite love quote.

1. Unbolt

2. The Exceptional Everyday

3. Scattered Thoughts

4. The Hut Owner Blog

5. The Mission to Mars

6. The Wayward Warrior

7. Poetry and Idealism

8. VoiceURMind

9. I am a Girl I can do This

10. Saneh Pandey

11. India and Indians

12. Living the Dreams

Tagging for the daily post prompt:Ten

The Future Prospects



It has started now, now it has started,
What we are and what we can be,
Chart your plans, let plans be charted,
We can be what we are imagined to be.

Apply the learn, learn to apply,
It’s already time-out, past is to exhale,
Supply the apply, apply the Supply,
It’s already time-in, future is to inhale.

Make no predictions, predict no one,
Run is too long, long is the run,
Create all you need, right from zero,
Aye, aye, that’s the way to be the superhero.

The surprises waiting ahead in future,
Is the magnificence, inherent in nature.


Poem form: Sonnet and Device: Chiasmus. More Details of the post can be found HERE.
Image Reference:


Landscape In a Week

Found Poem: Where the lines are found from here and there!
(All here and there refers to web. Thanks and Credits to internet)




Poem form: Found Poetry
Device: enumeratio
The evolution of Landscape:
Monday: I think of different landscapes
Tuesday: I bring them down to visible features
Wednesday: I picture to improve the appearance
Thursday: I put the mists, fogs and rocks
Friday: I realize the freedom in landscapes
Saturday: I feel so young and dreams alive
Sunday: I realize, that i am the soul of geography (motivation being landscapes)

More details can be found HERE.


Three Perfect Shots – Holi

In response to The Daily Post’s writing prompt: “Three Perfect Shots.”

Take a subject you’re familiar with and imagine it as three photos in a sequence. Tackle the subject by describing those three shots.


Given the prompt, the first thing that came in my mind was Holi celebrations. Holi, in India,  is a spring festival also known as the festival of colors or the festival of love. Best part being i had three perfect Holi celebrations so far and its still very colorful right in front of my eyes.

Perfect Number One

Location: Bangalore
Year: 2009
The celebration was with my M. Tech friends. There could have not been a better day! The moments are still so lively and fresh in mind and heart.

Perfect Number Two

Location: Pune
Year: 2010
The celebration was during internship period at Pune. There was rain dance and DJ, the whole day. This is the best one of life time!

Perfect Number Three

Location: Hubli
Year: 2014
The celebration was with colleagues, fellow professors. Though the celebrations in between 2010-2014 were good, this was the last one we had as a group. We all moved to different cities in few weeks. This one is special. Very special.

“The colors of Joy, The Joy of Love” 
– Holi

Oh My Drawers

Hides the secrets deep down the facets,

           Stays balmy all long as if its mistake,

                          Oh my drawers, why no speak thou?

You have let in many, let out all,

           Artifacts have changed, like new stall,

                           Oh my drawers, why so silent thou?

You hold all that can, show no bias,

          Stay put throughout, my concerns alas,

                          Oh my drawers, why go unspoken thou?

Poem form: ode and device: apostrophe. More details can be found HERE.

The Five Fingers

Ages Ago, Long Ago, five fingers had An equality wrestle. Agreeing to disagree, no one Approved each other’s Authority. For each Argued the power and to lead the clan. With no support of each other, the power only diminished. For God watching all this made an Arrangement. The next morning each finger had its Amount, not the same Anymore. At present we see as outcome, the five fingers of not the Alike size At All.

Poem form: Prose poetry and device: assonance. More details can be found HERE.

A Ballad for Ghost

ghost stories

Scaring the people at dark nights,
Scaring the people at cold nights,
Scaring the people for all nights,
Ghosts are never seen at day sights.

Cruel, wicked, terrorizing they go,
Terrifying stories creating they go,
Uneasiness to mankind spreading they go,
Ghosts do make a super-hit night show.

Short, tall in all sizes they are,
Fast, slow, disappearing they are,
Mostly as known invisible they are,
Ghosts though near, are yet so far.


Note: This poem is written as assignment 06 for Writing201: Poetry. Poem form: Ballad and Device: anaphora and epistrophe.  More Details can be found HERE.

Fog and Away


Early i was up, lost in thoughts,
Gazing through the window.

Amidst the mist my fingers moved and painted,
Symbol of immoral on window glass.

I sit on my bed watching the fog disappear,
Washing away the symbol at gentle pace.

I guess the darkness is over; forever,
I mourn with joy!

Darkness is a fog, wait it will disappear,
Sheds light, bright and clear.

Poem Form: Elegy and Device: Metaphor.  More details can be found HERE.