IBMC Challengers – April 2017

This is a summary post of challengers who have completed or on-going with the Incredible Blogger Marathon Challenge for the month of April 2017. The challenge was instantiated in the early second week of April 2016 (It’s been an year! yayy).


Blogger from Just A Star: 1 in 100, Billion is the Thirty Sixth blogger to complete this challenge. There are heart felt words and some excellent reads out there. The first one can be found here: My Way, My Stay.

‘Thank you’ to all who have taken/been taking the challenge and to all who have liked them. Feel free to take up the challenge if it excites you!:-)

A list of all the completed challengers can be found HERE

When Breath Becomes Air – Review

Indian Bloggers


I have been reading novel a month and for April I had picked When Breath Becomes Air by Paul Kalanithi.

It increased an avalanche more respect towards those sincerely practicing medicine and into medical research! That’s it for the take away from the book.

Tuesdays With Morrie” has been my favorite novel by far of all that I have read and I had expectations of this book belonging to similar line. I kept reading hoping that something good will come up in next page but that never happened. It’s a quick read that can be finished in one day in a stretch of 4 to 5 hours.

I know there has been a huge group of people who have liked the book but nopes, not into my ‘must-read’ book list.

Yellow Press

Indian Bloggers


Its April of 2017 and Day 25 of A to Z Challenge. I am doing Idiom a day and 8 line poem for the idiom.

Idiom: Yellow Press

Meaning: a term for the popular and sensationalist newspapers

Breaking bad,
Is the breaking news,
Shockingly sad,
Is the media rules,
The aim was, may be,
A yellow Press.
But now is all,
A shitty yellow!

Note: All the challenge prompts can be found HERE.


Indian Bloggers


Its April of 2017 and Day 24 of A to Z Challenge. I am doing Idiom a day and 8 line poem for the idiom.

Idiom: X-rated

Meaning: x-rated are the ones not suitable for children

When you see a kid,
No matter where the mind is,
Life uncertainties,
Intellectual mess,
Filthy politics,
Blame game,
For them, are, X-rated.

Note: All the challenge prompts can be found HERE.

Walk a Mile in my Shoes

Indian Bloggers


Its April of 2017 and Day 23 of A to Z Challenge. I am doing Idiom a day and 8 line poem for the idiom.

Idiom: Walk a Mile in my Shoes

Meaning: understanding someone before criticizing them, before judging someone one must understand their experience, challenges, thought processes, etc

Thank you for the roast,
Others laughed.
Thank you for the mock,
Others smiled.
I am not serious of myself,
I am serious of what I do.
Walk a mile in my shoes,
Oops, sorry, they don’t fit you!

Note: All the challenge prompts can be found HERE.

Vicious Circle

Indian Bloggers


Its April of 2017 and Day 22 of A to Z Challenge. I am doing Idiom a day and 8 line poem for the idiom.

Idiom: Vicious Circle

Meaning: sequence of events that make each other worse, one thing leads to another worsening the situation

In the gathering of life,
Amongst all the populace,
With all the recognized,
Friends, family, crowd,
There lies a vicious circle.
At the very every end,
One is,
Unconditionally alone.

Note: All the challenge prompts can be found HERE.

Ugly Duckling

Indian Bloggers


Its April of 2017 and Day 21 of A to Z Challenge. I am doing Idiom a day and 8 line poem for the idiom.

Idiom: Ugly Duckling

Meaning: child who shows little promise, but who develops later into a real talent or beauty, a person who turns out to be beautiful or talented against all expectations

Gifted us all,
To be ugly duckling.
Some realize, fly out,
Some realize, spread out,
Where most of us,
Assume born beautiful,
And just die ugly.

Note: All the challenge prompts can be found HERE.


Indian Bloggers


Its April of 2017 and Day 20 of A to Z Challenge. I am doing Idiom a day and 8 line poem for the idiom.

Idiom: Teeny-Weeny

Meaning: very tiny, very small

‘No’ problem is teeny-weeny.
‘No’ happiness is teensie-weensie.
We have our circumstances,
We have our contexts,
We have our own settings,
It’s between us,
Our problems!
Our happiness!

Note: All the challenge prompts can be found HERE.

Square the Circle

Indian Bloggers


Its April of 2017 and Day 19 of A to Z Challenge. I am doing Idiom a day and 8 line poem for the idiom.

Idiom: Square the Circle

Meaning: trying to do something impossible

All sides unequal,
Square was unknown.
Diameter undefined,
Circle was unknown.
Free hands,
Free shapes,
Squaring the circle,
Was impossible to None!

Note: All the challenge prompts can be found HERE.