IBMC Challengers – July 2016

This is a summary post of challengers who have completed or on-going with the Incredible Blogger Marathon Challenge for the month of July 2016. The challenge was instantiated in the early second week of April 2016.


Amruta from Making Peace With Life is the Eighth blogger to complete this challenge. She has put down more than awesome posts! They are thought inducing, engaging and convey greater messages for better good. The first post can be read here: When I See You… 

Alka Sharma from the ALKASHARMABLOG is the Ninth Blogger to complete the challenge. Her posts are witty. Her shorter posts leave a greater message. You can check the first challenge here: Fly High.

April from Little April Shower is the tenth blogger to complete this challenge.  She is an enthusiastic writer and enjoys writing the posts.  Her blog is full of happy posts calling for a read. You can read the first challenge attempt here: Tick Tock Tick Tock.

Lalitha from healthsoulblog is the Eleventh blogger to complete the challenge. Her posts bring smiles and warmth. You can check the first post here: I am so I am.

The Twelfth blogger to complete this challenge is Jocelyn from She Who Hears Blog. She puts up posts in a very clever way and they make you want read more and more. With creativity and thoughtful posts, her blog is a happy stay place. The first post can be read here: When I See You.

JokeL from the blog My Thotful Spot is the Thirteenth Blogger to complete this challenge. Like the blog title says, it sure is a thoughtful spot. You will see some writings speaking the heart out in the purest forms. One will enjoy reading every post. The first post of the challenge can be fond here:Tick Tock Tick Tock

Abhinaya who blogs at Powerful Overflow is the Fourteenth blogger to complete this challenge. Her posts speak out perceptions which are very interesting to read and discuss. The first post of the challenge can be read here: My Way My Stay.

Blogger from The Oubliette has completed three challenges so far. The first one can be found here: Mark of Destiny.

‘Thank you’ to all who have taken/been taking the challenge and to all who have liked them. Feel free to take up the challenge if it excites you!:-)


The Magicians Story

Three Line Tales (TLT) is a challenge put forth by Only 100 Words. The Challenge is to write a three line tale for the supplied image.

Here is my take for the Week Number Twenty Six:


No one believed when he said he was the greatest magician ever.

Then later, there was no one left to believe that he was the greatest magician ever.

His magic had disappeared everyone leaving behind only the tents!


Poetic Desk - LR

Words combine together,
They clutter and gather,
They add the tune,
They add the melody.

Thoughts take words,
Words go phrases,
Phrases extend lines,
Poems thus shine.

Poems from imaginations,
Poems from reality,
Poems from fiction,
Poems from fantasy!

Through the messy desk,
Comes the clean gist,
They add the feel of good,
The deserving must and should.

You can get the collection and more here: Poetic Desk

Inner Soul

Indian Bloggers


In the paths we voyage,
I just gather,
You assume we are together!

I am just like you, in you,
I walk with you,
Being you.

I am identified,
I am ignored,
I am unnamed and unstated.

I am not owned by any,
I am still here,
Surprisingly, I am still along.

I am not yours,
I won’t stick for long,
I will leave you once, unsaid.

I opt my way,
Inner soul.

I would like to Thank Dileep Naduvinamani for the inspiration to pen down this poem.

Technical Blog – PH Bytes

Indian Bloggers


Two years ago the main intention to start the blog was to write some technical articles. I however ended up with general blog and being more happy.

I have finally given a kick start to technical blog as well and It can be reached here:

PH Bytes

Do leave a follow if you find it interesting. The plan is to put down works from my research and general discussions on programming.


Blogaversary – The 2nd

Indian Bloggers

Yesterday night, I slept with excitement for I knew that morning would bring
this Achievement notification!


I knew WordPress would leave a message and It did! 


It’s been an exciting journey and all because of
 encouraging and supportive readers. 

Blog Stats of the journey:
Posts: 250
Pages: 95
Comments: 4,979
Page Hits: 45,362
Followers: 1,312


 ** …..THANK YOU….. **
everyone for the love and support

rejoice, says the heart,
thankful smiles on the go,
as the blog hits two.

Time and Grow – Haiku

This post is written for Ronovan Writes Weekly Haiku Challenge Number 105.  The words given for this week to write a haiku are time and grow.


unwanted hairs grow,
get introduced to scissors,
recurring times tale.

Syllables Per Line: 5 7 5

You see how we trim or cut out the unwanted hairs? That’s what we need to do with unwanted problems too!


Success, What’s That?


How is the magnitude measured? Is there a direction?  Does it have a single look-for definition? Is otherwise everything a failure? Is it related to individual? Does this accomplishment bring its own consequences? Let them remain the questions. Some questions are good if they remain unanswered.

‘He was successful in conveying the message’
‘The scheme was successful’
‘The event was a success’
‘She succeed in the business’
‘It was a successful marriage’
‘The satellite launch was a success’
‘His life was a success’

Do you see the degree in each of the cases above?

Take the scenario below, there could be a different individual at each level:

‘He auditioned for the movie’
‘He got a lead role in the movie’
‘Movie saw a successful 100 days’
‘The actor was nominated for the Award’
‘He won the award’

There is success at each level. One looks for and finds happiness no matter where it stops. All that one needs to do is to agree and accept that there is no explanation for success and it’s ultimately the happiness and content. Well, that comes with maturity. Peace.

The Lonely Wave



Like a lonely wave of the sea,
That hated to touch the sea shore,
He preferred to stay alone,
He was for himself.

Like the dirt in the sea,
That disturbed the serenity,
Life had cruel lessons,
He was for himself.

Like the hardness of the water,
That never failed in presence,
There were people to mock,
He was for himself.

Like every wave had to end,
That had to touch the shore,
Everything washed away,
He was at peace.