

Its April of 2019 and Day 26 of A to Z Challenge. I am doing Foreign word/phrase a day and 8 line poem for it.

Word/Phrase: zeitgeist
Language: German
Meaning: the thought or sensibility characteristic of a particular period of time

a little every day,
a collective more,
one at a time,
time for another,
harder than known,
better than best,
often and more,
zeitgeist of forever!?

More is a collective action. A lesson for ‘forever’ is that: little’s make more.

Yin and yang


Its April of 2019 and Day 25 of A to Z Challenge. I am doing Foreign word/phrase a day and 8 line poem for it.

Word/Phrase: yin and yang
Language: Chinese
Meaning: is a concept of dualism in ancient Chinese philosophy, describing how seemingly opposite or contrary forces may actually be complementary, interconnected, and interdependent in the natural world, and how they may give rise to each other as they interrelate to one another.

the day light parse,
the night deep crawls,
it wasn’t sure,
in the cycle of cycles,
what was yin,
what was yang,
for they both,
perfected each other.

Amidst the ‘day you’ and ‘night you’, ‘you’ matters the most! The ‘yin and yang’ here already carries a deep philosophy!

Note: below is the iconic representation of ‘yin and yang’ and you must have sure noticed it somewhere before.




Its April of 2019 and Day 24 of A to Z Challenge. I am doing Foreign word/phrase a day and 8 line poem for it.

Word/Phrase: xylophone
Language: Greek
Meaning: a musical instrument in the percussion family

wooden bars,
little to long.
the imprints.
little to long.
a xylophone.

Mallets produce music on varying sized wooden bars on a xylophone.
Life has stories. The stories, little to long, usually are the music of life. Here mallets is a metaphor for many – they bring music. What do we hit for the music?



Its April of 2019 and Day 23 of A to Z Challenge. I am doing Foreign word/phrase a day and 8 line poem for it.

Word/Phrase: weltschmerz
Language: German
Meaning: anguish over the world’s evils

the seeds from carton,
promised fruits, effortless,
water in ages,
grow in cages,
as promising it looks,
no promises it brings.
weltschmerz he stands,
weltschmerz he dies.

Easy and free things? what are they? they are evils covered in attractive masks!

Veni, vidi, vici


Its April of 2019 and Day 22 of A to Z Challenge. I am doing Foreign word/phrase a day and 8 line poem for it.

Word/Phrase: veni, vidi, vici
Language: Latin
Meaning: I came, I saw, I conquered

they will pull you down,
under estimate,
tell you there’s no path,
no math,
no sense expertise,
non sense sugar grease.
your success story:
veni, vidi, vici.

Many a times, we lack with in-house support. The grass is always greener on the other side. Success needs a lot from “I”.



Its April of 2019 and Day 21 of A to Z Challenge. I am doing Foreign word/phrase a day and 8 line poem for it.

Word/Phrase: uber / über
Language: German
Meaning: to a great or extreme degree, denoting an outstanding or supreme example of a particular kind of person or thing, extreme

the light stands far.
the dark circles got darker,
the mind got messier,
the soul descended deeper,
the pieces, now more,
nothing near to uber,

We always look for a reason to give up on those things which we really aren’t passionate about (there was no love). No pain is extreme to reach the light of love.



Its April of 2019 and Day 20 of A to Z Challenge. I am doing Foreign word/phrase a day and 8 line poem for it.

Word/Phrase: tête-à-tête
Language: French
Meaning: a private conversation, a face-to-face meeting

the night is dark,
the blanket is brown,
talking me to dreams,
tucking me in sheets,
diving into characters,
defining new roles,
me and my soul.

A calm and composed talk to within self is the best listener around!

Status quo


Its April of 2019 and Day 19 of A to Z Challenge. I am doing Foreign word/phrase a day and 8 line poem for it.

Word/Phrase: status quo
Language: Latin
Meaning: the existing state of affairs (particularly with regard to social or political issues)

sky isn’t always  blue,
stick doesn’t exactly glue,
not all heroes wear cape,
dreams aren’t only for sleep,
good is conditional,
definitions are flawed.
are we still talking,
of status quo?

The status quo should be a guideline. Not a mandate. It must be an inspiration. Not a path way.

Reductio ad absurdum


Its April of 2019 and Day 18 of A to Z Challenge. I am doing Foreign word/phrase a day and 8 line poem for it.

Word/Phrase: reductio ad absurdum
Language: Latin
Meaning: a method of disproving a premise by showing that its logical conclusion is absurd (example: the earth cannot be flat; otherwise, we would find people falling off the edge)

it’s an inspiring world.
memes for topper,
trolls for hard work,
mocks from hater,
chatters from jealous,
ridicules from unfit.
now, haters will call this,
reduction ad absurdum.

The poem presents the irony of modern society. To thrive, one needs to be focused towards goal and keep the unwanted away.

Quid pro quo


Its April of 2019 and Day 17 of A to Z Challenge. I am doing Foreign word/phrase a day and 8 line poem for it.

Word/Phrase: quid pro quo
Language: Latin
Meaning: a favor or advantage given in return for something

for a mother,
who bares the pain,
who cooks the pleasure,
who okay’s everything,
who understands unsaid,
for unconditional love,
quid pro quo,
doesn’t exist.

For the poem that is crystal clear, I like the shape that poem has taken. Looks like a little tree of love.