NaNoWriMo 2021 – Day 30 Blog

Yes, a purple ribbon – 50, 026 words!

NaNoWriMo 2021 – Win

I did it in my final sprint from 6.30 to 7.30 pm.

Day 30 Sprint

Here is something for the final read (unedited):

As I reach the end of this story, I find it hard to write on what possibly is the concluding thought. I see that I have not written any rules, I have not written any prescribed guidelines and there is no one hard rule to say something is right to wrong. But I am pretty sure that the journey has provided sufficient information to conclude that ageing is an art and one defines their own rules and formats. Here we drop and close the matter by asking this one simple, yet no simple answer question:

Have you been ageing gracefully?