Closing the April of 2022

Best April Ever! I was close to my goals, and April had some crazy things following up. I like being crazy and traveled to Bangalore for a 2-hour dance fitness session. Why? – because I wanted to dance my heart out. I am left out with a lot of points from the plan but completely satisfied with the way the month passed by. Here is the post I made for April.

For the Love of Reading and Writing

4.1 Read and complete 4 novels as a part of Goodreads challenge – did not complete any

4.2 Work on novel for 30 hours – CampNaNoWriMo – could do only 4 hours

4.3 A to Z Challenge on Blog – completed

4.4 A to Z Challenge on Instagram (prakash.hegade) – compelted

4.5 Write 26 general blog posts (Its PH) – completed

4.6 Write 5 technical blog posts (PH Bytes) – none

4.7 Write 26 short poems on Instagram (prakash.hegade) – completed

4.8. Complete and publish the ebook – Bit Codes – NIL

4.9 Continue – Symphony of Words – continued


4.10 Design and submit the draft of three work proposals – completed

4.11 Complete two MOOC courses on Qualitative and Quantitative research methods – NIL

4.12 Read 25 research papers – completed

4.13 Write 50 pages of the thesis – NIL

4.14 Work on Knit Algorithm components for at least 10 hours – completed

4.15 Submit two research paper – submitted


4.16 Exercise for alteast 24 days – completed

4.17 Watch 3 movies – watched more than 3

4.18 Complete ‘This is Us’ Season 3 – completed

4.19 Live the real/raw at ph_logs – to the best I could

4.20 Suprise Yourself – did

4.21 Celebrate more, Live more – did

Your Comments Are Most Welcome: