Project May 2024

My most awaited month long happiness project. I am not sure why I love this project. Every year it helps me to find new meanings. Not just to the works I do but also to the life and living. Every year I come up with mini-themes as well. This will be of-course my monthly theme resolution. A lot of reading, exploring, gratitude will be on top of the list.

The 2024 April Days

I believe it’s okay to make grand plans with hopes and beliefs. That’s what I did for 2024’s April which also I have been doing from long. While I am still recovering from health, I wake up every single day with unexpected little twists. Some of them are a bother of concern. I woke up on May first with a perfect health and it was not exactly the same on second may. While all of these are my life lessons, I am wrapping around the on-goings.

Here is what I had for April and their status:

  1. Complete the A to Z challenge with decided themes – one on blog post and one on IG – completed successfully.
  2. Read and finish 5 novels – half way through one
  3. Conduct 2 workshops – none
  4. Complete literature survey document for PhD Thesis (this sure is an never ending journey) – could not even touch
  5. Prepare comprehensive document with necessary and required details – yet to begin
  6. Write 4 research papers – one and a page.

My schedule and health demanded enough rest for eyes and body and that’s what happened. I am glad that I could finish A to Z with all the passion I started with. I wanted to give meaning to the spell ‘De La Luz‘ meaning – “of the light!”. My understanding or where I want to throw light is that sometimes we slow down. Only in that slow pace we get to see a better perspective. We get to understand what matters to us. I want to make a post dedicated to it.

The April’s Spell 2024

What if the month gave you an option to create your own new spell and make the magic out of it? Now that is the theme for my 2024 April. I want to create a magic spell and spread it across. However, here is the list I have for the month:

  1. Complete the A to Z challenge with decided themes – one on blog post and one on IG.
  2. Read and finish 5 novels
  3. Conduct 2 workshops
  4. Complete literature survey document for PhD Thesis (this sure is an never ending journey)
  5. Prepare comprehensive document with necessary and required details
  6. Write 4 research papers

The spell I want to create is ‘De La Luz‘ meaning – “of the light!”. My list above is to keep track and align me with my works. Otherwise, I have bigger plans. Let there be light! Here is to the most awaited month, April, ahead and upward.

Where do you March?

Every time I sit to draft my monthly progress and goals post, there was a calling. An unavoidable interruption per se.  Then, there came a time I was even scared to open this draft. From being titled, “Maniac March” to “Moody March” and now to “Where do you March?”, this post has changed its colors more than chameleon would do in month. Well, I love it all though. Our postponed anniversary celebration from 15 days ago is still being postponed and soon, I guess we will be year more older again.

One of it had to be logged.

I then felt, March probably had its destiny clear and did not want me to plan anything else. Maybe it was also nature’s way of saying I need more rest. All I had was trips to hospitals this month and they will continue to be for few more days. Not all were for me. I have had nights staying for my father in law and then some for me as well. Well, March surprised me. While the doctors are still researching on what is wrong with me, it worries and surprises me at the same time.

I guess, this march did more good than any other month. It gave me PH 3.0. That one hour inside a machine for orbitis and contrast MRI scan made me re-think my life. While doctors are still figuring out what treatment and medicine to give, I need to figure out ‘what next’ ahead as well, the most meaningful way. Once I am back to normal state, I want to live it all THE meaningful way. I still have many questions that I need to think on and I certainly have answers for a few of them.

P. S. My 2.0 happened after pandemic which made live my life to fullest, as many moments as possible.

2024 January’s Identity

From staring at the clock and wondering why the time is moving so slow to looking in hurry questioning where are the minutes rushing, it has been a year of gratification. Moving from yearly resolutions to half yearly and then to monthly, the transitions and methods have benefitted me – with a change and with a upbeat to keep up. I was able to see all the possible variants and witness the benefits of each type. This year, I am sticking to monthly resolutions.

Continuing the tradition of monthly theme based resolutions, here is what I have for January. My January theme is “Identity”. It was also inspired by the month that I am already living by. I want to have an identity for each week of January.

Week 01: I was part of conference that we hosted in our campus (technical member secretary) and identity here was to define and establish collaborations. It was a fruitful one week on several fronts and was a technical celebration.

Week 02: While living the tiredness of week 1, week 02 was majorly about academic closures. I had to mark an identity for several closures and new beginnings. This was professional identity. Leave a sprinkle of good-dust (does that exist? a good dust?).  

Week 03: Week 03 will be travels. Explore new place, food, culture, and live by. I am also attending a workshop. I am sure I will be carrying a lot of things back home. Plus being far far away from home for a week.

Week 04: Last week will be research identity. I have several research presentations and need to give a well-defined pathline to my six month research journey ahead.

I look forward for all four identities to have a common collaboration point and merge into single identity. They are of course one knit bundle. Now all of this is timelined to happen with other professional and personal goals. Well, needless I say, I want to read more this month and push quantifiable things to next month. My last year felt like I was blogging to set my goals and sum up my month. I want to write more. This year, hopefully. Most people start new year with exercises and fitness, but me, I am eating and sleeping more this month. All that fitness, they can wait till February.

2023 – Closure

This is how my theme based 2023 year celebration went by:

January – Wabi-Sabi, finding happiness in imperfect things

February – Code Poco Loco, be crazy

March – The messy-ness, continue to be messy

April – The April challenges

May – Project May (my most special month of the year)

June – Review, to re-view

July – Tales from the travles

August – The movie celebration, 31 days 31 movies

September – Wrap it, the month of closure

October – Being mean, the good mean

November – Write and right, the nanowrimo month

December –  Bold and Brave, fearless

There is a lot of learning that has happened over the year and this year I need to learn through them. Oh, well, I will.

December Desk

With around 10 days left for the year closure, the over-burdened me wants to use the remaining days to sum up what went right and what did not. I expect to write more posts in remaining days. My monthly theme did do wonders. Absolutely loved it and I would want to continue for my next year too. Maybe on a larger scale and themes. I am surprised on how every year is turning out to be the best year ever! I thought 2022 was splendid but 2023 has surpassed every standards. Best. Year. Ever.

Over time, I have become fearless, careless and less on everything that needs to be so. And because of this, there has been “more” on everything else that needs to be more. I have stopped worrying for useless things, oh, I guess I did that long ago but more things have now moved to the category of useless. I continue to smile and don’t give a rats ass. If there is anything that I would highlight and say, I have found places and people who celebrate love and have stayed and will stay there.

There is so much of everything around us that makes sense, once we starting seeing it. Living through tiredness and making best of every moment has been my 2023. I have been lucky enough to be surrounded by people I love and care. I would continue to love no matter what. There no better day than today and every today is today-beautiful.

My theme for December is definitely “Bold and Brave”. I have been meaning to take some decisions. Convey it to people. I want to express outright what is and what will be. I am sure this month is going to have all the mixed emotions. Amongst the piles and bundles of work I have, in the chaos, I will find peace.

More, soon.

P.S. My November write and right was pretty successful.

2023 November Much

I have been doing monthly resolutions all through this year of 2023 and being in the mid of November already, here is my theme for next fortnight:

November is for NaNoWriMo and this is my seventh year as ML for the ASIA :: India. I love being part of this community and helping others to achieve 50K word count while I do one for myself as well. This year I have been lagging (lagging by around 11k words from daily goal). I need to cover up in the next 15 days. I am sure I can and I will.

This year I have been writing about problems. It involves a lot of research and is kind of testing my patience. I need to do lots of reading to write. But hey, what’s satisfaction without all the efforts!? So, all through this month, I will write. Write for NaNoWriMo and as well for everything that needs writing.

Being October Mean

All of October I wanted to be mean. I wanted to give myself the higher priority. How did that go? Amazingly bad. The night I made that post I had a conversation with one of my friend for around 90 minutes who wanted to share a few personal family concerns. Though I had to complete my works and had an option not to reply to that conversation, I could not. Then I had to sleep late pushing my works after the conversation.

Being mean is definitely not my thing. I tried. Coming to my monthly goals, I did my best. Have a check mark on almost all of them.

My major learning for the month was “as long as the works keep you happy, be it and go with it”.

October and Sky of 2023

I have been doing monthly resolutions this whole year and I am up for new experiences. This has been a year of travel. Now that my workload has caught me and schedule got insane, I guess I have got the perfect theme for this month.

I have always been a people person. Or at least I think so. Have always prioritized the help one needed or meeting people a high priority than my personal or professional works. I have stopped reading a novel because a friend texted. Most of my works have been delayed because the time went by in helping or being with others. For the month that is remaining, I want to be MEAN. My theme for this month is ‘Being Mean‘. I want to do my works first and give them a high priority. This could be an experiment. I will revert back if it gets a disaster anytime between. But I believe its time to try being mean. I also know this is not actually a mean ‘mean’ or may be not even a mean.

Here is my list of works I want to get done being mean (with a super hectic professional schedule):

  1. Host two workshops
  2. Complete the research comprehensive document
  3. Take a solo trip
  4. Read three novels
  5. Drastically reduce the screen time
  6. Prepare for NaNoWriMo

I am already loving the vibes. 😛