
It’s April of 2023 and Day 26 (Finale) of the A to Z challenge. This year, I am doing the theme legendary creatures from cultures and folklore and an eight line poem along.

Day 26: Ziz

Culture: Jewish giant bird

Description:  Ziz is a griffin like bird which is described to be large enough even to block out the sun with its wingspan. They protected the earth from the storms. Stories have that God had sent the Ziz to help Noah load the animals onto the ark. Ziz represents the sky.


A feather
Can fill the sky,
Infinity and high.
There is always
A large
Than the larger.
A happy Dance.

However big, there is always a tiny that can show the bigger or make it smaller. Together, it’s a happy dance. We live in a harmony of little big things!

Image Reference: https://mythologyplanet.com/ziz-jewish-mythology-bird/



Its April of 2019 and Day 26 of A to Z Challenge. I am doing Foreign word/phrase a day and 8 line poem for it.

Word/Phrase: zeitgeist
Language: German
Meaning: the thought or sensibility characteristic of a particular period of time

a little every day,
a collective more,
one at a time,
time for another,
harder than known,
better than best,
often and more,
zeitgeist of forever!?

More is a collective action. A lesson for ‘forever’ is that: little’s make more.

Zest from A to Z


Its April of 2018 and Day 26 of A to Z Challenge. I am doing ‘Emotion’ a day picked from the bag of life, with an 8 line poem and a thought.

Z is Zest.

The teacher and the learner,
The beauty and the beast,
The true and to-be-true,
The sow and the reap,
The lost and the won,
The days and the dreams,
For everyone, Zest,
Is a mandatory ingredient.
