Silent Scream in A to Z

It’s April of 2024 and Day 19 of the A to Z challenge. This year I am doing the theme of ‘26 Moments’ on my blog. I plan to pull out A to Z parts from diverse set which are more than just the parts and possibly describe the world of their own.  It can be a wonder, an invention, a community, the philosophy, a thought, a lead, a culture, a design, or basically anything that would make one wonder and ponder on.  26 imperfect petite flashes that are amongst and around us.

My everyday will have a selection, description, an eight line poem followed by an interpretation.

Of the too many options that I had for S, I decided to go for ‘Silent Scream’. Silent scream is an oxymoron – can a scream be silent? Do they go together? it’s two contradicting words appearing together. It could be the pain that silences us, it can be the fallen tree in forest that no one heard, it can be the scream that has consumed one, it can be a voice against ill and evil, etc.  There are several movies, albums, books with the title Silent Scream, each artist giving their own interpretation. The 1984 anti-abortion film created and narrated by Bernard Nathanson with the title Silent Scream tops the chart in the list. We all scream. The silent ones are the most painful.

I am adding the famous Scream painting. Image Inference: By Edvard Munch – National Gallery of Norway 8 January 2019 (upload date) by Coldcreation, Public Domain,

The seen
Are sold,
In the market
Of abstraction,
As a beauty,
As a masterpiece,
Because the silent screams
Are falling on no ears.

Everybody has had their share of silent screams in their personal or private spaces. Some turn into forms of art and some stay within. Silent screams have their own interpretations and with no voices and hidden words, is an unsolved encrypted masterpiece.  

8 thoughts on “Silent Scream in A to Z

  1. Unfortunately I have experienced silent screams. When you are in office or with in-laws feeling overwhelmed and you can’t cry in front of everyone so you go to the washroom and do a silent scream, cry your heart out silently, hold your hands or cup your face and get back to your work or chores as if nothing happened.

    Liked by 2 people

  2. My oh my Prakash your poem hit home 150%. Your post hit 150%. Silent Scream indeed…I’ve done a few myself over the years. Losing 2 Husbands & then Paul (the should have been Hubby) in March. In 2019 when I was told I have 5-10 years left; there was a HUGE Silent Scream that nite of the diagnosis. We all have these sadly. I think of people in war torn countries who have Silent Screams & we can’t help them…only watch in horror….I can hear their Silent Screams & it hurts so much.

    Thank you for a fabulous post!

    {{{hugs}}} Sherri-Ellen (BellaSita Mum) & ***purrss*** BellaDharma

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