The Thematic April

April always brings ample themes into the picture. It’s the month where A to Z challenge happens. Plus, time for Campo NaNoWriMo. Like every year, I will be doing both.

For my resolutions, I am picking the theme as #WingsofLife. Here is my list for April:

1. Complete A to Z challenge with two themes. (Look up for next post for theme reveal)

2. Complete Camp NaNoWriMo (Novel Editing)

3. Work out on internship proposal

4. Submit comprehensive document

5. Read 3 Novels

6. Travel to one place

7. Exercise atleast 24 days

8. Surprise thy-self and live it out

13 thoughts on “The Thematic April

  1. Hi Prakash,
    This blog post gives some interesting for doing in the month of April.
    I’m also figuring out a clear plan to utilise this month.

    I’ll writing semester exam papers and studying current affairs and General studies.

    Liked by 1 person

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