A Great Teacher Inspires.

Happen to read this today, again! and here I am going to my class, with all the enthusiasm I can load and carry! Thank you Vibha for this. I will keep coming back to this.

Messy Musings

It was the first Saturday of my sophomore year in college. Excited as I was for the year to actually start, I knew I had gotten off on the wrong foot with many of my classmates the previous year. And facing them again made me anxious. I am a socially awkward person. A very self-aware, socially awkward person and my flight/fight response screams run! in every new situation. And I felt like everyone in the class hated me. And I needed to be someplace else. Thinking and overthinking my situation, this Saturday, I cycled to college early, you know, the kind of motivation you have at the beginning of a new year had kicked in and my mother wanted to take full advantage of it. She confiscated my two-wheeler keys and asked me to walk, run, fly to get to the other side. So I had to take out theā€¦

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