A Note. Just that!

A Note
I have moved to a new workplace, basically to say, my old workplace after three years of research experience and still settling up.

I have been out of blogging for a while now and might so continue for a few more days. I do have pen down a few posts amidst which I have scheduled to be posted in next few days. I might not be prompt in replying to those.

Much Important One
It’s been a long while I have not visited any of the blogs, but I will be back soon. I shall try my best to catch up. It’s been a race. A real one. But that’s how its designed to be. So be it!

– PH

30 thoughts on “A Note. Just that!

  1. It’s been forever since I visited your blog Prakash. I apologize. So much going on…Life can be so busy…
    I think about you & your family daily & send Love & Light to all of you. And Purrince Siddhartha Henry sends his ***mee-yowsss*** to you too.
    Sherri-Ellen & P SH =^,.^=

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