Quick Fix

Indian Bloggers


Its April of 2017 and Day 17 of A to Z Challenge. I am doing Idiom a day and 8 line poem for the idiom.

Idiom: Quick Fix

Meaning: It is an easy or a temporary solution that might not last for long

When trust was broken,
Heart, let down,
Promises betrayed,
Faith overlooked,
Loyalty disgraced,
Eyes wet,
Is not even a quick fix!

Note: All the challenge prompts can be found HERE.

33 thoughts on “Quick Fix

    • 😀

      I did finish all remaining till Z last weekend to post one by one. Unexpectedly, what took more time and thoughts was letter ‘V’. It finally turned out as my favorite.

      Thank you so much.. 🙂 many.. 🙂


  1. Good one !!
    But I believe as humans we tend to do mistakes.
    But most people justify or defend it by giving some logic or explaination.
    It takes courage to accept your fault and See it from the other party’s perspective.
    Owning it up, And asking for an apology.
    If you look at it, from the perspective of the one at fault, It’s the best they could do.
    And once you accept it, It seems to be a quick fix.
    It takes courage to own it.

    Liked by 4 people

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