Sorry from A to Z


Its April of 2018 and Day 19 of A to Z Challenge. I am doing ‘Emotion’ a day picked from the bag of life, with an 8 line poem and a thought.

S is Sorry.

The troubles we bought,
The nuisance we celebrated,
The annoyance it was,
The torments we saw,
The eff’s we gave,
My dear best friend,
I am sorry,
For nothing.


Quick Fix

Indian Bloggers


Its April of 2017 and Day 17 of A to Z Challenge. I am doing Idiom a day and 8 line poem for the idiom.

Idiom: Quick Fix

Meaning: It is an easy or a temporary solution that might not last for long

When trust was broken,
Heart, let down,
Promises betrayed,
Faith overlooked,
Loyalty disgraced,
Eyes wet,
Is not even a quick fix!

Note: All the challenge prompts can be found HERE.