IBMC Challengers – March 2017

Indian Bloggers

This is a summary post of challengers who have completed or on-going with the Incredible Blogger Marathon Challenge for the month of March 2017. The challenge was instantiated in the early second week of April 2016.


Melolontha from the blog Melolontha by the River is the Thirty Fifth blogger to complete the challenge. They have been an exciting and thoughtful read. The first one can be found here: Conquer Your Weaker Self.

Mike from the blog The Misadventures of Mike has completed Five challenges this far. It’s been fun and reflective. The first one can be read here: Phrase a Paragraph Challenge.

‘Thank you’ to all who have taken/been taking the challenge and to all who have liked them. Feel free to take up the challenge if it excites you!:-)

A list of all the completed challengers can be found HERE

Your Comments Are Most Welcome: