Owning the Day

When I started my teaching journey, in around a year, and since then, every single day has been me going back home with utmost satisfaction. There are days of distress and for me, they are part of satisfaction too. Over the years the process made me learn what to take in to make myself better. Between all this chaos’s, there are days where I feel proud of those 24 hours.

Starting the day with lot of interactions, to completing every commitment at personal ends, to professional work-lets, I love how some of my days pass by. My yesterday, I smile while I type this, was iteratively perfect. From being at work and managing the mongoose to running back home to finish my one hour exercise and bath and then coming back to the work to complete review works was an adventure at unlike level.  Why all this? Because we had an evening movie to watch and all movie halls had 75/- ticket. I have liked quite a many movies directed by R. Balki and “Chup: Revenge of the Artist” was released with an amazing star cast. The movie is a creative mess and I loved it. There are tiny woven threads in the movie that go beyond the heart connection. The song lyrics are to the context and deep. I had a perfect company and ended the day with a peaceful dinner.

Every walk has its beauty!

I love my days for all the smiles and hand waves that happen throughout the day. I love the days when everything is planned so as to welcome many and any unplanned in the day slot. I love it when day inevitabilities flow by and take you with the whole kit and caboodle that feel like this was a perfect plan for the day. I love how uncertainty makes the day reminiscent.  

From not knowing how to start, to crafting this piece, while listening to my favorite songs and having a critical research presentation in next 30 minutes is perhaps what I mean by owning the day. When you pour in your satisfaction into the works, you will start seeing everything in different hues. The end results does not matter and what matters is what you fashioned through it. And that landscape is what I mean when I say – Own the day.

The August Remix

As mush as the 31 movies of August made me live the worlds of fantasy, thriller, romance and everything else, this year, it was backed up by the travel-ore. My Google timeline alerts me that I have visited 59 new places in 14 new cities. And I have ample stories to tell.


The stories of satisfaction and the ones that made me question everything around. I am already in love with my September blogposts!

The Brownish Days

I am not sure why I decided to title this piece brownish, but it does crown a brown. Not dark as black, but black with hopes – hence brown. I have lived the weekdays madly looking forward to the weekends, not that I get to rest on weekends, but I can shut myself to organize the chaos and have a breather. I know this is only the second weekend of 2022, feels like months, spending each day committing to one deadline after another.

What makes me do this post is,
precisely, my circus clown dance which I did amidst the crossroads while all the vehicles stood in circles watching me do the bike drift. The moment I landed, I honestly went like – ‘I wish someone had captured this and would have made a really good viral post.’ I am not sure why and how I was calm; soon after the incident, I picked up my bike and headed straight home. Point Proven – my bike is too old already. The road was under construction; there was a slip; I lost control and took some zig-zag semi-circles before landing far away in the middle of the road. Take away? – dirty torn clothes, scratches over hands and legs, body aches for two days, and thanks to the helmet, nothing over the head and face.

The roads of life are always under construction

What makes me do this post is,
Had it been any other day, I would have taken a day or two off and called off that I badly needed rest. January 14th was supposed to be a festival holiday, but I had a screening test to be managed. I had already spent three sleepless nights setting questions, and there were hell lot of works pending. All this happened on the 13th. So, I went home, took a bath, and continued to my works moving back to my workplace. I did manage to have 4 hours of sleep with my given constraints.  

* * *

Here I am, on the 14th late night (the date has already changed to 15th), while my eyes are calling off for a night of sleep, I am typing this final line of gratitude and satisfaction, that the day could not have been any better. Of course, I had all the support I needed, and that is exactly why I had all the energy to pull off the day as demand with supports on and off the table. Is this not all we live for?  I am unsure what morale this piece brings, but what I know is, we all have our tough stories, and that is what makes our roots, defining what and who we are.

The bottom line is, with a pinch of sprinkled rest, I am all set for my coming-up next, really wanting to make time for my little celebrations.  

Pour Your Heart Out

In the world which continually judges you, Gazes to invent and appreciate your negatives, looks beyond all your works to find your weaker points, to the foe acting friend, pour your heart out.

In the world that judges you by your appearances, rips you apart from your color and way you breathe, from the way you talk and behave, from the way you dress and present, in the world that wants to find and celebrate your flaws, pour your heart out.

While the world has its expertise, in the world which evaluates you by the world’s expertise and not by yours, the world which tells you what is correct when it thyself does not know what is, the world, decently corrupt and faithfully immoral, pour your heart out.

In the world which wants you to fall, fall because you will cry, because when you cry the world feels good, because when you cry you feel low and that is precisely why the world feels good, pour your heart out.

In the world where one person in the chain spoils the entire, lets down clan as the whole, shows up as a leader, a bad one, messes up with the whole process, destroys the culture,  questions your unprejudiced actions, pour your heart out.  

In the world where ego thinks while what others have is ego, gives advice because just like that, always stays one-sided, never sees the bigger picture, judges and judges and cries, and shouts, supports weird things, acts random and biased,  pour your heart out.

In the world which does not allow you to celebrate the little things of joy, tells you its cliché, while they can, but you can’t, while whatever you do always has a pinpoint, pour your heart out.  

In the world where you are broken into pieces, all messed up, have no direction, the ugly pieces as the world calls it, the nasty parts as the world sees it, pour your heart out.

In the world which is made up of weird rules and protocols, makes you make mistakes, tells you to be unique and tells you not be when you really do, the world which then asks you to follow the masses like another ass, pour your heart out.

Pour your heart out, because that makes you happy and no one can take that happiness away from you.  Pour your heart out because that is the way to satisfaction. Pour your heart out because that is love. Pour your heart because you are you, and you are away from judge-mentals. Pour your heart out to stay away from the lows.

Pour your heart out!   

Carpe diem


Its April of 2019 and Day 03 of A to Z Challenge. I am doing Foreign word/phrase a day and 8 line poem for it.

Word/Phrase: carpe diem
Language: Latin
Meaning: make the most of the present

a passionate kiss to the day’s job,
instinct to trust one’s own wing,
the tiredness down the eye,
the comfort in the struggle,
the winks, the crush, the love,
the smallest parts of tiniest things,

now, that’s what I call,
carpe diem.

A leisure holiday at the beach is satisfying when earned the hard way. Making the most of the present has a mixture of love, struggle, dedication, ambition and believing in every tiny thing.


Away You Go


This story is written for Sunday Photo Fiction: 29 November 2015. The task is to write a short story of 200 words or less for the supplied photograph.


There were 5 tires. They were best friends. They were talking a walk on the beach. They always used to stick together. One of them was a little different. It always used to discuss with others the following questions:

What will happen to me when I wear out? Why should I be working so hard when I know how and where I will end up? Why should we clean ourselves every day? Why should we work every day? Why all this when we know our future which is so clear? Why do you all keep smiling all time? Why does God give us all so much pain?  Why can’t God keep me happy?

Just then, the sea god, listening to all this, came nearby and said, “I am sure I can’t keep you happy! But I can keep the other 4 happy by taking you away” and washed him away!

Well, This is not the end!

You can read other stories here, by clicking on the blue fellow: