Pieces and Misfits

In everything I see,
I see an art
natural and god made
by invisible hands.

In every art
I see a piece of me
and I wish
for another piece
and if that was you!

Each of us have our own traits. I like how, though we are distinguishably apart and still connected, always try to find if we both fit inside the same piece of art! At least, I do. Our ideas are different but we still blend in together, a perfect piece.

And Then as i Walk

And then as I walk,
The walls smile,
Maybe they always did,
And I never noticed.

And then as I walk,
The paths greet,
Maybe they always did,
And I was high over foot.

And then as I walk,
Strangers smile,
Maybe they always did,
And I thought it was laugh.

And then as I walk,
I notice the difference,
Maybe it was the same,
I was being different.

As I walk,
I find a new home!