A Review.  Period.

I ask myself,
Who am I?
Who the hell am I?
To review and rate,
One’s years of work,
One’s pain and pleasure,
One’s moments lived,
One’s cry and coy,
One’s cheer and joy,
The midnight lamps,
The cramps and cracks,
The rollercoaster ride,
The pompous and pride,
The hours of strive,
And just like that,
I throw my comments.
And today,
I ask myself,
Who the hell am I?

Beyond 24 – Novel

Indian Bloggers



Time is hideous, rigid and always on time. From time travel machine to fast forward future, time has been visualized in varying dimensions. The exquisiteness of time is that it always gives a new perspective to investigate and inspire.

Beyond 24 is a love story where the hours of time are bound to love. Time arranges meet of two people, everyday increased by an hour. The question is what happens on the 25th day!

It is a quick read (Like 30 minutes) and I assure that the curiosity will keep on. It’s also a FREE download!

It’s available here:

Beyond 24

Let me know if you give a read! Yayy!