
It’s April of 2023 and Day 18 of the A to Z challenge. This year, I am doing the theme legendary creatures from cultures and folklore and an eight line poem along.

Day 18: Raiju

Culture: Lightning spirit from Japanese mythology

Description: Raiju is a thunder beast. Its body is composed of lightning in the form of a white and blue form of wolf or dog. It also has many other animal representations as well. It gets agitated during thunderstorm otherwise is a calm and harmless creature. The sky has lot more to explore.


Be aggressive,
Be hyper excited,
Be psyched,
If you love it.
And then,
Be calm.
To be there,
Aggressive, excited, psyched.  

If you really love something, I wonder how can one stay can calm over it. It just seems impossible thing to do.

Image Reference: By Ban KōKē (伴蒿蹊, Japanese, *1733, †1806) – scanned from ISBN 978-4-7601-1299-9., Public Domain, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=2245581

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