You’ve Got Mail


Its April of 2020 and Day 25 of A to Z challenge. This year, I am doing Metaphors. Be it a movie, song, painting, book, idiom, etc. I plan to give a perspective to it with an explanation and a 8 line poem.


Metaphor: You’ve Got Mail

Who hasn’t loved the movie with the casting of Tom Hanks and Meg Ryan? The local bookstore owner who hates the large bookstore chain owner in person, are falling in love over internet with masked identity. He later finds out, still likes her and has to fix it all. The movie released in 1998, has beautifully dealt with mall and internet culture.

Though the movie highlight is more about internet, technology etc., it can always stand for a bigger cause over time. The ‘mail’ here is an opportunity. Have you seen, identified and embraced it? For me, ‘You’ve Got Mail’ is a metaphor for there is love and everyone has got one. For, you see, falling in love without knowing each other’s real identities is something which has been our plot with changing modes and methods over time.

There is already enough,
Suffering in the world,
The pain smiles,
The scars draw,
There are enough dying,
For love and hunger.
Opt to be kind,
You’ve got mail.

Did you check the email that asks you to be a little kinder? The email of love? The ‘oops’ moment is when it gets spammed and vanishes after 30 days!  

14 thoughts on “You’ve Got Mail

  1. Wow, this is deeper than it appears on the surface, PH. Personally, I don’t care for that movie, not sure why…but the Internet has definitely opened the wide world to invite love, caring, friendship–Huge Blessings! ❤

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  2. You’ve got mail is one of my favorite romcoms! No matter how many times I watch, I never get tired of it. I love the way you wrote that You’ve got mail is a metaphor for there is love and everyone has got one. This was beautiful.

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  3. At first I wasn’t sure what I wanted to say….
    “You’ve Got Mail” makes me smile when I hear those words…it used to be mail that came into a real mailbox from all over the world. I sued to write ALOT of letters….
    Now in this age, it is emails & you know they are just as important to me as actual old fashioned letters….
    Whatever I receive as mail makes me happy & you know I DO feel ‘loved’ & wanted….
    Sherri-Ellen 🙂

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