Fungus on Bread


Amidst the sleeps, we put together some shits and call it ‘life’.

For those who are lucky enough to have a comfy bed, they warm it up, wrap it up and most probably even waste it all up.

Not able to sleep?
Insomnia? Internet connection? Love? Alarm? For a change can it be ‘Passion’ that does not allow to sleep?

The Hot, Lukewarm and Cold
While some are struggling with sleep issues, many others just don’t want to sleep. A 15 year old kid with 8+ years of programming experience is topping the world coding contest leader board while another engineering graduate is struggling to understand a sorting algorithm.


Yeah. That isn’t always the want. Some needs to be served while hot. Serving a lukewarm at cold-in-need isn’t good either. Who teaches all that?

But most life things that pass the ‘hot’ stage are useless. The reality check demands for the button that one never comes easily.

The Periodic Departs
There is a part in us that is dying every day. ‘Play’ will die one day. ‘School is all I do’ will die one day (or dead). ‘College life’ dies another day (or already). ‘Work Life’ dies to retirement. Enthusiasm would die one day. Laziness? Never. Postponing things until the ultimate finale will die too.  The learner? That should never. There is not even a delta small difference between one who can read and doesn’t, and who cannot. As long as we are living, we got to let the unnecessary things and only that die.

Beauty and More, Deepity Deep
Unless, Unless, there is a dedicated time put to something, one can never see the beauty of it. Beauty is not at the outset. It’s not inner too. It’s very deep inside and reaching there takes great time. All prodigious things take time. They need dedication. They need commitment. They come with ‘I am sure you will never understand’ happiness.


Everything matters and that said, nothing matters too. It’s all dependent on where we decide to give time. What’s the use of inspiration when the journey is already made? Sure there is way ahead but why was it not through the way already traversed? When you hear from your dear one telling ‘It’s okay’, smile and say to yourself that ‘It Isn’t. One got to come back real and big. Let’s agree and accept the fact that mediocre isn’t good. No. Not valued.



“Life is a learning space”

The Timely Dreams
Dreams come in various forms. There will be a stage in life where nothing seems impossible. That is why the school autograph books are so special. The constraints come in and reality takes a bite. Right or not, we settle. Settle for less. Pick the obvious and let go the specials. Against all the odds, no, there aren’t any odds. We just create them. When we need someone to blame, we pick and create the odds. Dreams are meant to get bigger with time. They are bound to get crushed. They might get crushed only to grow further bigger.

The Tale, Classic
Opportunities’ is a timeless classic tale. We got to make our life stories special through them. It does not matter how others see it. If it was well utilized, it’s going to bring the showers one day. When they are at hands reach, hands must be full. And oh, there are hundreds available and a patiently explore can color the grey.



When was the last time you celebrated a ‘dark circle’?


20 thoughts on “Fungus on Bread

  1. The “periodic” deaths ? I do not regret saying good bye to student days, university days, first career, second career etc. I enjoyed them at the time but moved on to retirement and now I am busier than ever. So I’m not sure I have celebrated a “dark circle”yet.

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