So You Shall Reap

Indian Bloggers


This story is written for Sunday Photo Fiction: 02 October 2016. The task is to write a short story of 200 words or less for the supplied photograph.


It was his own school where he had studied. It was in the same class room where he had learnt how to be successful in life. Now after being a rich successful man he had all plans to bring this school down and construct a resort. Expanding his business was his number one agenda and he did not wanted anything to be obstacle for it.

Look at what fate did. His son fell sick the same month and he was not allowed to be away from home. Doctor had strongly recommended home food, as hostel food was not coping up with his body. The allergies were prone to get serious if the same hostel food environment was continued.

This was the only school in the home city and the only option he had was to reconstruct the school back. The school authority welcomed him and his son with a smile.

You can read the stories written by others here, by clicking on the blue fellow:

33 thoughts on “So You Shall Reap

  1. I’v been reading some stories on this prompt and in most of them there was a gloomy atmosphere. I like the way in which you have thought something positive from this picture.
    From this story, I can deduce that some events demands us to take decisions which in turn can change our lives.
    Nice take on prompt 🙂

    Liked by 3 people

  2. I like how this turned out. He ended up having to reconstruct the school, not tear it down for a resort, to find a good and healthy place his son could attend school. I think that’s fate saying he shouldn’t have turned his back in his own school in the first place. Nice write 🙂

    Liked by 2 people

  3. Life rarely gives us what we expect. But, if we think about it, its gifts are always the best. We just fail to realize it every time.
    Great short story! 🙂

    Liked by 2 people

  4. Here in the states ‘Home schooling’ refers to actually being taught in one’s home.
    Most sleep away schools are private for younger grades and very expensive.
    College or university is different though. There are some places where you do not have to dorms or sleeping facilities at the college and you do go home (or elsewhere apartment etc) every night.

    Always good to help one’s Alma mater (the school you graduated from).

    Liked by 2 people

    • We do have home schooling here in India as well, but the percentage of kids who opt it is very very less. And very rare. And all other mentioned options too! 🙂 I have gone through most of it.

      True! I agree.. 🙂 Thank you so much for sharing your thoughts.. 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

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