Extra and Ordinary


Short story “Extra and Ordinary” is written for the Mondays Finish the Story Challenge – June 15, 2015. The task is, given the image and starting line, to complete the story in 100 to 150 words.


At first, it looked like an ordinary marble, but it was far from it. It was not ordinary because it was with him all through his childhood and even when there was no one else to play around. It was not at all ordinary because it had undergone many patches and still was his favorite toy that had stayed with him from past many years. It was more than ordinary because the day since he had become orphan, this was the only memory he had representing his past.  It was extra-ordinary because whenever he held it in his hands he felt the upbeat as it was his father’s first gift.

More importantly, he had not seen it all past these years and it was one of the first things he wanted to see. He had finally earned enough money for his operation. He was getting his eyes operated in hours and doctors had assured that he would be able to see.

Jon was getting his greatest birthday gift on his 50th birthday!  

You can read the stories written by others here by clicking on the blue fellow:

38 thoughts on “Extra and Ordinary

  1. Oh wow, what a magnificent upbeat ending to the story! I love the description that’s woven around the marble showing how amazingly un-ordinary it is indeed. Very well done!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. An unexpected but lovely twist at the end, very well crafted:) Oh and thank you for visiting my blog, I love visiting others through likes to mine I find some unexpected gems 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  3. I love all the flavours of “ordinary” you introduced. And what a wonderful gift to be given – soon he’ll be able to see the marble that’s been with him throughout his life. Nice story!

    Liked by 1 person

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