Vorfreude in A to Z

It’s April of 2024 and Day 22 of the A to Z challenge. This year I am doing the theme of ‘26 Moments’ on my blog. I plan to pull out A to Z parts from diverse set which are more than just the parts and possibly describe the world of their own.  It can be a wonder, an invention, a community, the philosophy, a thought, a lead, a culture, a design, or basically anything that would make one wonder and ponder on.  26 imperfect petite flashes that are amongst and around us.

My everyday will have a selection, description, an eight line poem followed by an interpretation.

Vorfreude is a German word and it took me a while to get its pronunciation right even after going through audios. The word has no exact English equivalent. Vor is before and Freude is joy. It’s the word that describes the joyful anticipation. It is that feeling which comes before experiencing something delightful and pleasure. It’s a joyful and intense anticipation from imagining future pleasures. All those exciting things that we wish to do, all our plans, all those happy moments that we imagine, everything is Vorfreude. Those few days that you wait for your trip to begin and all those things that your mind has already planned and visualized to do, that is a Vorfreude. Isn’t that a beautiful word? Isn’t that making our world beautiful?

The hiker’s anticipation: the nearby waterfall announces itself with its veil of water vapor. Von Hedwig Storch – Eigenes Werk, CC BY-SA 3.0, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=11013068

And as randomly as it can get
At a random moment
We dream of
All those could have been,
Should have been,
Will be.
And smile, thank
For this beautiful life.

At one side is the joyful anticipation when we know that is about to happen. At other side are those imaginations that we have, that we know is not going to happen. And still, it gives us an undefined amount of pleasure. This one is to all those that keep us happy!

6 thoughts on “Vorfreude in A to Z

  1. Well done Prakash! I know Vorfreude as my Father was German & explained it to me many years ago. The anticipation is sometimes even better than the actual event happening….

    Your poem captures the essence of VorFreude perfectly! {{{hugs}}} Sherri-Ellen (BellaSita Mum)

    ***purrss*** BellaDharma

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