The Brownish Days

I am not sure why I decided to title this piece brownish, but it does crown a brown. Not dark as black, but black with hopes – hence brown. I have lived the weekdays madly looking forward to the weekends, not that I get to rest on weekends, but I can shut myself to organize the chaos and have a breather. I know this is only the second weekend of 2022, feels like months, spending each day committing to one deadline after another.

What makes me do this post is,
precisely, my circus clown dance which I did amidst the crossroads while all the vehicles stood in circles watching me do the bike drift. The moment I landed, I honestly went like – ‘I wish someone had captured this and would have made a really good viral post.’ I am not sure why and how I was calm; soon after the incident, I picked up my bike and headed straight home. Point Proven – my bike is too old already. The road was under construction; there was a slip; I lost control and took some zig-zag semi-circles before landing far away in the middle of the road. Take away? – dirty torn clothes, scratches over hands and legs, body aches for two days, and thanks to the helmet, nothing over the head and face.

The roads of life are always under construction

What makes me do this post is,
Had it been any other day, I would have taken a day or two off and called off that I badly needed rest. January 14th was supposed to be a festival holiday, but I had a screening test to be managed. I had already spent three sleepless nights setting questions, and there were hell lot of works pending. All this happened on the 13th. So, I went home, took a bath, and continued to my works moving back to my workplace. I did manage to have 4 hours of sleep with my given constraints.  

* * *

Here I am, on the 14th late night (the date has already changed to 15th), while my eyes are calling off for a night of sleep, I am typing this final line of gratitude and satisfaction, that the day could not have been any better. Of course, I had all the support I needed, and that is exactly why I had all the energy to pull off the day as demand with supports on and off the table. Is this not all we live for?  I am unsure what morale this piece brings, but what I know is, we all have our tough stories, and that is what makes our roots, defining what and who we are.

The bottom line is, with a pinch of sprinkled rest, I am all set for my coming-up next, really wanting to make time for my little celebrations.  

In the Name of Virus

The quill and ink,
The inland letters,
The cd and cassettes,
Rest in peace.

In the name of virus,
Challenges, debates,
Games and names,
Old logic, new fabrications.

The humanity and patience,
The sense and actions,
The real roads,
Rest in peace.

Writing this poem dedicating to WorldPoetryDay and new Virus  in town.
Of course also to the ones who are using the platform to spread hate and rumors too.