
It’s April of 2023 and Day 17 of the A to Z challenge. This year, I am doing the theme legendary creatures from cultures and folklore and an eight line poem along.

Day 17: Qilin

Culture: Dragon-ox-deer hybrid from Chinese mythology

Description: Qilin are usually depicted throughout a wide range of Chinese art, at times with their bodies on fire. In modern times, they have also been fused with unicorns. It is said to appear with the imminent arrival or passing of a sage or illustrious ruler. They can be of any color or multi-color.


You step through it,
Become one,
You could be one,
And only one.
You could be many,
Many in one,
Or one of many.
You, Be.  

There is this unique sense of feeling when you become one. Being is all that matters. Be a fire. A house of many.

Image Reference: CC SA 1.0, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=38012


It’s April of 2023 and Day 01 of the A to Z challenge. This year, I am doing the theme legendary creatures from cultures and folklore and an eight line poem along.

Day 01: Agni

Culture: Hindu Derived from Sanskrit, meaning fire and represents fire deity.

Description: Agni, the fire god represents the power to consume, transform and convey. It is part of almost every Hindu ritual and festival. It is prominent in the hymns of the Vedas and Upanishads.  


A spark,
Falls from the sky
Into the arms
Of the beholder.
A spark, glows a light
A spark, blinds in fire
Keep it burning
Creator or destroyer.

Everything that we warmly accept, could help us thrive or perish.

Image reference: http://www.atributetohinduism.com/Hindu_Scriptures.htm

The Void

Indian Bloggers


From the lights of sun,
Glows the entirety,
Presenting the days,
Glows the locality.


Prison the winds,
Prison the air,
Fools you around,
Escapes everywhere.


As the water flows,
Changes no color,
Lucid and transparent,
You own it or rent.


Housed by the soil,
Food and the bed,
The land lushes green,
Even and serene.



Under this even share,
All equal and fair,
Originates numerous lies,
Rests the dirty human game.

You are Under Arrest!

Top post on IndiBlogger.in, the community of Indian Bloggers

This story is written for Sunday Photo Fiction: 15 March 2015. The task is to write a short story for the supplied photograph.


“Water, Wind and Fire and Earth were battling to empower on each other.  The battle went on for years and there was no sign of end. It only went on and on.  Water was furious and gushed every now and then. Wind blew so hard that everything went invisible. Fire flamed with extreme vigor. Earth was revolving swift with quakes.

As the battle continued, fire was covered by earth. It formed lava and water hardened it. This is how the huge rocks were formed. Then water started gushing forming this falls. Wind keeps blowing it now and then”.

That’s the story son. Said the dad to his four-year kid who was pleading to tell story of how this falls was formed.

Son smiled, looked at falls and said loudly,

“You Are Under Arrest”

and took a photograph!

You can read other stories here, by clicking on the blue fellow: