Infinity in A to Z

It’s April of 2024 and Day 09 of the A to Z challenge. This year I am doing the theme of ‘26 Moments’ on my blog. I plan to pull out A to Z parts from diverse set which are more than just the parts and possibly describe the world of their own.  It can be a wonder, an invention, a community, the philosophy, a thought, a lead, a culture, a design, or basically anything that would make one wonder and ponder on.  26 imperfect petite flashes that are amongst and around us.

My everyday will have a selection, description, an eight line poem followed by an interpretation.

The very idea of ‘oh, you don’t know how much there can be’, is itself attention-grabbing. Though mathematically we can have countable and uncountable infinites, theoretically, infinity is an inspiration to dream endlessly. Infinity is something which is boundless, endless, or larger than any natural number. The axiom of infinity guarantees that there exist infinite sets. In cosmology, it is an open question to seek if the universe is spatially infinite. Ancient Indians approached infinity as a philosophical concept. The infinite paradox theory states that the collection of all possible infinite sizes is not only infinite, but so infinitely large that its own infinite size cannot be any of the infinite sizes in the collection. And this will infinitely go on.

Image Reference: By Nevit Dilmen – Own work, CC BY-SA 3.0,

I want to say many.
I want to say,
Lot more many.
But, also,
I want to count
Tag and label each
Isn’t that beauty
Of counting infinity.   

We all want to live for infinite moments. When we deeply, truly, meaningfully love something, all we want is beyond infinity and still keep count and track of every part of it. Trust me, forever is very much finite, around and there. All we need is infinite forever’s.

4 thoughts on “Infinity in A to Z

  1. WOW! Prakash you wrote an amazing post on Infinity. You captured the intensity of Human’s thoughts trying to understand & comprehend Infinity. The poem is beautiful. Altho’ we strive to live in an infinite way; we still try to define time & space & love….

    Blessings & ((hugs)) Sherri-Ellen ( BellaSita Mum) & **purrss** BellaDharma

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