Globalization in A to Z

It’s April of 2024 and Day 07 of the A to Z challenge. This year I am doing the theme of ‘26 Moments’ on my blog. I plan to pull out A to Z parts from diverse set which are more than just the parts and possibly describe the world of their own.  It can be a wonder, an invention, a community, the philosophy, a thought, a lead, a culture, a design, or basically anything that would make one wonder and ponder on.  26 imperfect petite flashes that are amongst and around us.

My everyday will have a selection, description, an eight line poem followed by an interpretation.

An attempt to understand the interaction of the modern world – do we call it globalization or globalism?  The phrase “Vasudhaiva Kutumbakam” coming from Sanskrit means that ‘The World is One Family.’ Though we might have not stated it formally with respect to a singular definition, I believe globalization has always existed. Historically, Theodore Levitt is often credited with popularizing the term and bringing it into the mainstream business audience in the later in the middle of 1980s.  The three theories of globalization are the world system theory, the world polity theory and the world culture theory. Being as simple and as equally complicated, we are unifying theories on the local and global fronts, nothing better understood, than on philosophical fronts.

Image Reference: By David Keddie – Own work, CC BY-SA 4.0,

We want to
Draw borders
And say
It isn’t there.
But local, global
Are the borders
They have got,
To be there.

I love the philosophical assumptions and interpretations that go beyond the globalism. We thrive locally and then the same isn’t as applicable globally. This is where everything becomes a question.

8 thoughts on “Globalization in A to Z

  1. I think we are Globilization…..I say that because the Web & PC’s have brought so many of us together. We would not know each other were it not for the Internet. 

    Your poem is really thought provoking. Governments seem to need borders & fences sadly.

    ((hugs)) Sherri-Ellen (BellaSita Mum) & **purrss** BellaDharma

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