Greece – Philosophy

It’s April of 2021 and Day 07 of the A to Z challenge. This year, I am doing the theme – “Travel the World.” I am visiting countries from A to Z and presenting stories with 8 line poems.

Day 07 Country: Greece

Around the 6th century BC, in Greece, Philosophy was used to make sense of worldly happenings. Beyond mythology and religion, they sought to answer life’s big and small questions to explain the world through science and logic. Great thinkers like Aristotle, Socrates, and Plato emerged from the same period. Observations, reasoning, empirical evidence, and others were used as a tool to study the world.  Seen below in the picture is the school of Athens.

Credits: by Raphael – Stitched together from, Public Domain,


While some sit,
In front of a machine,
While it works,
Others work,
Like a machine.
While the philosophy
Is work, is it all,
The same?

For one, laundry is a machine washing clothes, and for another, laundry is washing clothes on own with hands. At the end of the day, everyone needs clean clothes.  

15 thoughts on “Greece – Philosophy

  1. What an interesting thought. I really want to visit Greece someday. I loved your choice for F. Being a French Teacher, France is one of the top places to visit in my bucket list. On a side note, you can also see the masterpieces in the Louvre in a virtual exhibition that is up on their website, giving you the Louvre experience at home.

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  2. I have many Grecian friends…love learning about their very ancient culture.
    You poem is deep…I had to read it 3 times…..

    You ask if the Philosophy is all the same…. I would say no. We are shaped by our own subjective views & perception & experiences.
    Sherri-Ellen 🙂 an BellaDharma

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