The Depth of Fool’s Lake


This story is written for Mondays Finish the Story Challenge. The task is to write a story within 100 to 150 words considering the photo given and beginning with ” Dropping her line into Fool’s Lake, she patiently waited for something to bite “. 


Dropping her line into Fool’s Lake, she patiently waited for something to bite. The wait ended in no time as she had caught something big. She could feel the heaviness in her hands. She slowly lifted it up curious to know what she had hunted! Well, it was haunting! She saw a fool attached to the other end. She started laughing at herself. What more can she expect from a fool’s lake?

The hook had caught a mirror. What she could see was her face in the mirror. She suddenly realized all the pains in her life were only because she opted to see them. So what if the guy she trusted turned a bad hero? She realized life is a mirror where you see what you opt to see. That incident had thought her a quick lesson for life.

She took the mirror to market, sold it and purchased a fish and happily had her tummy treated. After all, life is all about making the best from what we have got!

You can read others stories by clicking on the blue fellow!

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