5. The Representative Day

“Today you are you! That is truer than true! There is no one alive who is you-er than you!” – Dr. Seuss

There is always been two school of thoughts for the representative days. One would happily celebrate mother’s day and other would say every day for me is a mother’s day. One group of friends ‘live out their day’ on friendship day and other say every day is off-course like friendship day and spend it as yet another day.

But these representative days are important! They are meant to be celebrated. All of us are directed towards our personal and professional goals. Life gets busy in designing and defining ourselves and at times gets dirty as well. It’s these representative days, which put us in a little different circumstance, in-fat better and give a fresh kick start. Everything needs a representative day. That’s why we have anniversaries and we are ought to compulsorily celebrate them.

One such grand representative day is the “birthday”. It’s not about the wishes; it’s more about the care and affection. It’s not about the cards and presents; it’s more about the symbol and token of being lived out the time. It’s not about the cake; it’s more about the sharing sweetness. It’s not about the celebration; it’s more about being there to make memories. It’s definitely all about making sure that every year one is growing better.

I believe everyone should have two lists:

  • A representative list that we are meant to celebrate for ourselves
  • Another, most important one being, a list where we are supposed to make others representative days memorable.

Well, if you are the one celebrating a representative day today, “Have a good one!”

“The more you praise and celebrate your life, the more there is in life to celebrate.” – Oprah Winfrey


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