A to Z Challenge 2022 – Theme Reveal

It’s time for A to Z Challenge! This is my SIXTH year participating in A to Z challenge and 8 line poems have sticked along every year with a new theme. A to Z by far has helped me to learn and grow and this is one of the assignments that I take up seriously every single year. I have managed to complete the challenge successfully in the past 5 years. Here is my year-wise theme from 2017:

2017: An idiom for an alphabet and 8 line poem to it.

2018: Emotions and expressions for life and 8 line poem to it.

2019: Words and phrases from foreign languages and 8 line poem to it.

2020: Metaphors from movies, idioms, celebrities, paintings, songs, etc and 8 line poem to it.

2021: Around the World and 8 line poem for it.

Here is my Theme for 2022:

Wordy Wonders and 8 line poem to it

Are you participating in the challenge? I am also doing another on Instagram with quick snippets under the theme #YouYourWorld

Announcing NaNoWriMo 2018 Novel

Better late than never!

This year I am doing Romance titled – Things in Nothing. 


I so far have no idea on the plot or what so ever but I am excited for the November. I am pretty sure that November, NaNoWriMo and MLing will be fun!

Are you doing NaNoWriMo as well? My id is prakash_hegade.