Easier to Run


Its April of 2020 and Day 05 of A to Z challenge. This year, I am doing Metaphors. Be it a movie, song, painting, book, idiom, etc. I plan to give a perspective to it with an explanation and a 8 line poem. 


Metaphor: Easier to Run

‘Easier to run’ is a song from Linkin Park. I love the song in entirety. If I had to pick my favorite lines then it would be:

Sometimes I think of letting go
And never looking back
And never moving forward so
There’d never be a past

The song is about a past, which is a secret, which is hard to change, accept, and live with. A blunder that earth does not need and must be taken to grave. The bruises and scars, not easy to live with. I am sure anyone who listens to the song will have their own interpretation connecting to memories and known’s from the personal story-line. I feel the lyrics shouts out that: If possible I would have gone back, traced and corrected every step, but now, I am left all alone and only easier thing to  do is to run. It’s difficult to comprehend the song in fewer words and that’s the beauty of it. The song is not limited to one context and so do most of Linkin Park songs. I am using this song as a metaphor for all those we could run away from, but stick along.

My path is known,
I know the do’s,
Sugary glazed obstacles,
You slow me, slow kill me,
I know, its
Easier to run.
But I am there,
Strong, sticking along.

We stick and suffer, because we know there is no way out. This one is dedicated to those associates which are not easier to run away from and neither easy to run towards.  


My, Mine, Song


I have a song,
My mind hymns it,
My heart dances it.

I don’t have a tune,
Which I can express,
But it’s there,
I can feel it,
I can label it.

The song of chaotic,
The song of breeze,
Like in rejoice,
Air breathes it.

That song, the one I have,
It is a song,
For its lyrics update,
Every single day,
The way I change.

That one song,
Which I am yet to tag,
World might name it,
The song of my life!