Lagom in A to Z

It’s April of 2024 and Day 12 of the A to Z challenge. This year I am doing the theme of ‘26 Moments’ on my blog. I plan to pull out A to Z parts from diverse set which are more than just the parts and possibly describe the world of their own.  It can be a wonder, an invention, a community, the philosophy, a thought, a lead, a culture, a design, or basically anything that would make one wonder and ponder on.  26 imperfect petite flashes that are amongst and around us.

My everyday will have a selection, description, an eight line poem followed by an interpretation.

Lagom is a Swedish word which means ‘just the right amount’. Not too much, not too little but just perfectly the right amount.  Lagom is finding balance for a well-balanced life style. The philosophy of the word is perfect-simple. It might not be perfect but it’s the right balance. How will we find the right balance in every life? A scattering of just right amount!  The Swedish proverb ‘Lagom är bäst’, literally means that ‘The right amount is best’. I also believe it means that we should be more aware of our needs as seen against the society and social awareness. It is about finding the balance. It can also be compared to the idiom – less is more.

The trend growth of the word over the years

And then eventually,
After too much,
And too less,
We will see a balance.
Just so perfect, maybe.
And then on,
For another,
Too much, too less.

How could we ever have just so right of everything? There will be too much love; there will be too much pain. There will be cycles of turns and amidst of everything, we will start finding our balances.

2023 November Much

I have been doing monthly resolutions all through this year of 2023 and being in the mid of November already, here is my theme for next fortnight:

November is for NaNoWriMo and this is my seventh year as ML for the ASIA :: India. I love being part of this community and helping others to achieve 50K word count while I do one for myself as well. This year I have been lagging (lagging by around 11k words from daily goal). I need to cover up in the next 15 days. I am sure I can and I will.

This year I have been writing about problems. It involves a lot of research and is kind of testing my patience. I need to do lots of reading to write. But hey, what’s satisfaction without all the efforts!? So, all through this month, I will write. Write for NaNoWriMo and as well for everything that needs writing.


It’s April of 2022 and Day 12 of the A to Z challenge. This year, I am doing the theme – “Wordy Wonders.” I am selecting words that have deeper and graceful meanings, from across the globe and an eight-line poem along.

Day 12 – Lagom

Origin: Swedish

Meaning: The concept from Sweden, to have not too much, not too little, but just the right amount: perfectly simple and just enough.


Where is the scale,
That measures, the lagom?
Will I ever know, the lagom?
Because, there are,
Glad, there are,
Which we go crazy for,
We must go crazy for,
Way beyond lagom.

Knowing just the right amount is definitely an art and I guess it takes a lifetime to know and achieve that. Till then we can happily spoil ourselves.

Word Pronunciation: la-gum

Denmark – Lego

It’s April of 2021 and Day 04 of the A to Z challenge. This year, I am doing the theme – “Travel the World.” I am visiting countries from A to Z and presenting stories with 8 line poems.

Day 04 Country: Denmark

The words ‘play well’ translate to Danish words ‘leg godt’ from where the Lego gets derived. Yes, Lego’s come from Denmark. We all know of lego and have played with them. The Lego Group from Denmark has also built Legolands – several amusement parks around the world. The company was founded in 1932 by Ole Kirk Christiansen. The groups motto is thoughtful -“only the best is good enough.” Lego’s popularity is demonstrated by its wide representation and usage in many forms and not just as games. Their cultural works, including books, films, art work and also as teaching aid is loved by people world wide.

Credits: Alan Chia – Lego Color Bricks, CC BY-SA 2.0,


All life,
Strive to fit in,
Fix it, like a puzzle,
Like a hunt,
For the meaning,
Without even bothered,
If we are,
At the right place.

The tools might be wrong, or maybe the place, or maybe us. Is it too late already?