Quote Challenge – Day 03

Thank you Yarnspinner, The Hut Owner Blog and Pakhi for nominating me for the 03 days 03 quotes challenge.  Rules are

1. Share three quotes on three days in a row, one on each day.

2. Nominate three bloggers on each day.

My Quote for Day 03:


Adding my perception to the quote:

They are,
They were,
They will be!
As mental as you are,
As caring as you were,
As insane as you will be!
It never ends…

Quote Reference: pinterest.com

My Nominees for Day 03:

1. I-read

2. Sonu Duggal

3. Unbolt

Quote Challenge – Day 01

Thank you Yarnspinner, The Hut Owner Blog and Pakhi for nominating me for the 03 days 03 quotes challenge.  Rules are

1. Share three quotes on three days in a row, one on each day.

2. Nominate three bloggers on each day.

My Quote for Day 01:


Adding my perception to the quote:


truth begets trust, trust begets faith, faith gets everything else.

Quote Reference: life-quotes.in

My Nominees for Day 01:

1. Hargun Wahi

2. Upen Reddy

3. Deanne