Technical Blog – PH Bytes

Indian Bloggers


Two years ago the main intention to start the blog was to write some technical articles. I however ended up with general blog and being more happy.

I have finally given a kick start to technical blog as well and It can be reached here:

PH Bytes

Do leave a follow if you find it interesting. The plan is to put down works from my research and general discussions on programming.


From the Research Diaries

Research is quite a long and tedious journey. One thing that keeps the journey exciting is the intermediate deliverable’s. I kind of opt to have them at regular intervals though they directly do not impact my work.

Here are two ebooks which i got completed and published recently which are indirect results of my research.

Ebook 01: Design of a Programmer


Ebook 02: Structures and C

Structures and C - LR

They both are free download and helpful to anyone who is into programming. And happiness is sharing it here!