Announcing NaNoWriMo 2018 Novel

Better late than never!

This year I am doing Romance titled – Things in Nothing. 


I so far have no idea on the plot or what so ever but I am excited for the November. I am pretty sure that November, NaNoWriMo and MLing will be fun!

Are you doing NaNoWriMo as well? My id is prakash_hegade.

NaNoWriMo – Coming Soon!

Hello there!

  • Is there a writer in you?
  • Have you ever felt you should try your hands on writing a novel/or any work, give it a shot and explore?
  • Or are you already a writer?
  • Does writing make you frantically happy?
  • Do you already have your next project lined out?
  • Or do you want to just write?

What else can be better than writing it along with the world? Come in and be part of National Novel Writing Month (NaNoWriMo).


What is NaNoWriMo?
It is a non-profit organization whose sole purpose is to promote writing and creativity.

What is the Target and Timeline?
The writing begins from November 01 spanning for the entire month (ends Nov 30th midnight 11.59pm). One needs to tackle the writing goal of 50,000 words.

Yes, 50K. 50,000 is definitely a huge number but if seen as 1667 words per day, definitely doable. Weekends, constant support and motivation from NaNoWriMo and buddies, pep talks, lots of resource materials and daily writing sprints make this target exciting and easier.

However if you have your own target, there is also NaNoWriMo Rebel where one can set individual writing targets.

What can I Write?
Anything! Anything that makes you happy and you want to write. It’s not about the bothering and worries of editing and giving the final touch. It’s about writing and just it.


So, What Next?
Are your words ready to celebrate? Do you have a project? Hope in! Register at National Novel Writing Month.  It’s about cherishing that write-cravings and dedicating the month November to write, write and write more.

What after Registration?
Select the appropriate region from where you are writing, look out the regional forum for introduction and other threads, create a writing project, make some new buddies and get started! The writing officially begins from November 01.


– Prakash Hegade, 
Municipal Liaison for India

You can add me up as your buddy. My Profile id is prakash_hegade