Animal Farm


Its April of 2020 and Day 01 of A to Z challenge. This year, I am doing Metaphors. Be it a movie, song, painting, book, idiom, etc. I plan to give a perspective to it with an explanation and a 8 line poem. 


Day 01 Metaphor: Animal Farm

Animal Farm is a book by George Orwell published in 1945. The story line of the book is that a group of farm animals rebel against their owner (farmer – human). They intend to create a society where animals are treated equally and are free. The animal herd is led by a pig. Under the leadership of pigs, the animals are however later betrayed and end up in a similar and much worse state as before. The book is a metaphor reflecting the Russian Revolution of 1917 and the Stalin era.

For me, the book stands as a metaphor much larger than that. It talks about how a leader with poor vision can spoil the community and culture. It’s a metaphor that a leader who does not care can do no good to the civic. Through my poem, I want to bring this out using ‘Animal Farm’ as a metaphor.

I see the ears,
I guess they aren’t used.
And I see the years.
I can ‘see’,
I guess that’s the problem.
No, I am not an owl.
Okay, sorry,
Howdy ‘Animal farm’.

The poem also uses several other metaphors. The leader with no ears, and years have been passing by. Though there is one who can see, is helpless, and like an owl blinded for the day.

The Hands up Protocol

This post is written for Three Line Tales Week 87 hosted by Sonya. The challenge is to write a three line tale for the supplied image.


photo by Bryan Minear via Unsplash

“When you are angry, raise your hands, keep it back on your mouth” Said the leader in his speech.

A hand went up from the crowd and a gun shot was heard leaving behind a dead silence.

Then another hand went up, only to fall down, sinking and splashing in blood.