Italy – Pizza

It’s April of 2021 and Day 09 of the A to Z challenge. This year, I am doing the theme – “Travel the World.” I am visiting countries from A to Z and presenting stories with 8 line poems.

Day 09 Country: Italy

Oh, yes. Pizza is a flatbread from Italian origin.  A wheat based dough topped with tomatoes, cheese, onions, anchovies, olives etc. The traditional pizza is baked in a wood-fired oven at a high temperature. A formal setting pizza in Italy is served un-sliced and to be eaten using knife and fork. One has to taste the original Italian pizza which tastes lot different from the ones we regularly have. A small pizza is usually referred as pizzetta and the maker of a pizza as pizzaiolo. Below is a picture of an authentic Neapolitan Pizza Margherita.

Credits: by Valerio Capello at English Wikipedia – Own work, CC BY-SA 3.0,


The dough,
Needs a kneed,
Gentle and hard,
Mixed, layered, baked,
Sauce, cheese, veggies,
And some love.
The recipe travels places,
Finds a life of own.

Every new travel, every new visit, builds and creates a culture. Used and misused.