Rain Ho!

Having found this beautiful rainy day picture on web, I have given different perspectives and forms through numerous poetry versions.

Photo by: Fardin Oyan

Form 01: Haiku

shirtless or well dressed
rain treats you equally same
fair dark brown or black

Form 02: Limerick

Amidst the water and sky,
When you aim high,
Take a jump,
Splash, thump,
No matter four or five.

Form 03: Acrostic on the word PLAY

Pours out loud,
Losing over tracks,
And we jump,
Yay in the rain.

Form 04: Alliteration

Rush, roam, run,
Rumble on the roads,
Roll, ring, rag,
Rackle in the rain.

Form 05: Concrete Poetry and Enjambment

Form 06: Epistrophe

You have money, still you cry,
You have home, still you cry,
You have food, still you cry,

We don’t have any,
In the rain we dance.