Fourteen: The Seminar

It was the day of seminar and for everyone it was the usual day. For Anwesha, it was different. She had even updated a Facebook status saying

“First seminar and hoping to do my best!”.

To that there was a reply from her brother saying “You have always rocked sis!”

That comment from her brother seemed funny.

Anwesha was on stage and she stood still. She wasn’t speaking. Professor said “You can start Anwesha. ” She could still not speak. She started with “good morning” and her voice was shaky. There were slow murmur’s in the class. Then she slowly started up. I don’t know from where, may be from the window all the energy came up. She just picked it up. She got better with every sentence. The slide animations were beyond perfection. There was an education hunger in her eyes. Her words were sharp. None of her sentences were ambiguous. Her tone was as needed for every sentence. It was like the best presentation ever! As she stopped, she had little tears in her eyes. She still stood down to earth and there was a huge applause. Professor appreciated her efforts and also complemented “One of the best presentations seen.”

That’s it! Anwesha, got many friends that day. Some people are born to bring reforms. Anwesha gave that feeling to the class as family. Since then there was lots of talks. Lots and lots. Even in class hours. She apparently became “class representative”.

That evening, the comment from her brother,

“You have always rocked sis!” got a hundred likes!

You won’t believe, that one small step of seminar changed her life. I literally saw the meaning of “great things are often built from small actions”.

Continue Here…

4 thoughts on “Fourteen: The Seminar

  1. Anwesha took a chance & it paid off…she just had to have confidence in herself!
    When I went to College (in my mid 30’s) I was terrified to do seminars in the beginning. It took a few years but I did get better. In fact in 4th year I taught a few Religion classes! I was so happy & proud of myself. Now I can do public speaking w/out so much fear…..

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  2. You are correct Prakash! Noting ventured then nothing gained so we must take chances. Good chances of course 😉
    Thank you for the compliment; it means a lot to me. I never thought of being a teacher….
    Once I had finished College & had the diploma I did do Counselling for almost 10 years. In a way that is like teaching I think. I would share my experiences with the person & we would sort out the person’s feelings & figure out possible options. I even did Marriage Counselling….something I am quite good at 😉

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