When Breath Becomes Air – Review

Indian Bloggers


I have been reading novel a month and for April I had picked When Breath Becomes Air by Paul Kalanithi.

It increased an avalanche more respect towards those sincerely practicing medicine and into medical research! That’s it for the take away from the book.

Tuesdays With Morrie” has been my favorite novel by far of all that I have read and I had expectations of this book belonging to similar line. I kept reading hoping that something good will come up in next page but that never happened. It’s a quick read that can be finished in one day in a stretch of 4 to 5 hours.

I know there has been a huge group of people who have liked the book but nopes, not into my ‘must-read’ book list.

19 thoughts on “When Breath Becomes Air – Review

  1. Thanks Prakash for sharing your thoughts on this recent read. We too read a lot and there is something of a let down when you walk away with only a small return on the investment of time placed in the read. But at least you walked away with a morsel. Now with regard to “Tuesdays With Morrie” we agree with you whole heartily. That was a book that touched us so profoundly and it is nice knowing it touched you also.

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