Water? Whoops!

Indian Bloggers

This Limerick is written for Limerick Challenge Week 49: Satire. The challenge is to write a limerick that mocks, ridicules or pokes fun at something. It can be anything so long as the theme of the limerick is satire.

My limerick theme: Anything of too much is not good. Just like the flood bringing all the waters, challenging for the drinking water.


Nature’s trek, friends and me,
Water, water, endless we see,
Heavy rains,
No complains,
And in pants we pee!

Gist: There is so much water around, so lot of water around, but still no place to pee!

You can read the limericks written by others here, by clicking on the blue fellow :

Satire Meaning: the use of humour, irony, exaggeration, or ridicule to expose and criticize people’s stupidity or vices, particularly in the context of contemporary politics and other topical issues.

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