Liebster Award

I was Nominated by The Tezzy FilesDon’t Get Wasted, Nimi Naren, A Simple Life, Pratyu and Ajay Vyas for LIEBSTER Award. Thank you so much people! It means a lot!

Liebster award


1. Thank the blogger who nominated you
2. Use the picture for the award
3. Answer the ten questions given to you
4. Nominate fellow bloggers for the award to pass on
5. Set ten question for them to answer

All the six have a set of questions to be answered. I am picking the one by Ajay Vyas. I may do the other ones later. Here are my answers:

1. Your favorite quote on life?
🙂 “awake, arise and stop not, till the goal is reached” by Swami Vivekananda 🙂

2. Your relationship status
🙂 Happily Married 🙂

3. The craziest thing u have done so far?
🙂 I prefer not to answer this.
Reminds me of many moments of my hostel life during my masters! 🙂

4. Your favorite book and why?
🙂 “Who will cry when you die” by Robin Sharma. I loved reading every episode in it. I really don’t know why, its kind of my favorite. 🙂

5. Define love in your words
🙂 The Unconditional and unreasonable affection and care. maybe!! is it?? 🙂

6. Do you dream about being successful or happy and why?
🙂 I guess they both go hand in hand. One is related to another. Dream of one and another comes along. 🙂

7.  Is love really worth the time?
🙂 Of-course, yes, in all ways. 🙂

8. Color that can change your mood
🙂 Blue and Black 🙂

9. Difference between lust and infatuation……in your point of view
🙂 Lust is very immature. Infatuation is kind of immature. Love is mature. eww! 🙂

10. Hobbies other than blogging?
🙂 Daily diary, listening to songs, novels, books, travelling. 🙂

Here are my questions:

1. What is you nick name? How proud of it are you?
2. Which is your favorite city and why? How related are your friends and favorite city?
3. Which is your favorite food that you would like to cook yourself and eat? and tell everyone about it.
4. Given an opportunity, whom would you like to interview?
5. Write a sentence with no vowels in it. Give a try. If not possible, write a four line poem on vowels.
6. What is your idea of surprise birthday treat?
7. Which one is your favorite movie that you would like to watch when its raining heavily and your are with hot snacks and coffee?
8. How do yo imagine your dream home to be? Does it have pets? which ones? A pond? what else?
9. Life, for you in two sentences. It is a shit? or a shift?
10. With whatever may concern, when do you like? when do you comment?

Here are my nominations:
1. Archita Rai 

2. The Mission To Mars

3. Hiba Zydan

4. Live – 🙂 – Life

5. All About Being Human

6. Trimmed Words

7. Story Teller

8. The Perceptions Square

9. voiceURmind

I am NOT nominating the following bloggers as they already have it!
1. Unbolt

2. Randoms by a Random

3. Hargun Wahi

4. Soul Mate’s  – so near, yet so far

5. Tranquil yet Alive

22 thoughts on “Liebster Award

  1. My good wishes to you and I wish you all the best for your future posts.
    I really enjoy reading the answers here. It was a fun to read them.
    No idea that black can also change the mood 🙂

    Congrats and thanks for the nomination!!!


  2. Congratulations on your Award Prakash!!! Well deserved!!
    I think I will answer your 10 questions…just for fun!
    1) Nicknames: Dippy (I despise it as my Sister calls me this & it is not meant nicely).
    Sarah Angel(LOVE this name as my Great Grandmother was named Sarah).
    2) Fave City: Hamilton, Ontario, Canada. Not because it is so wonderful but because I spent 29 years tho & had a business there & knew so many people & had many friends.
    3) Fave Food: STEAK medium rare with Baked Potato an Broccoli & Cauliflower with sweet curry spice. Black Forest Cake for dessert. MMMMMM….
    4) Who to Interview: Past people~ Mother Theresa & Ghandi & Hermann Hesse.
    Present people~ Sampat Pal Devi (Gulabi Gang) & Presdient Barack Obama & Bono of U2 Irish rock band.
    5) “Q?”
    6) Surpise birthday treat: going horseback riding thru the snow & a lovely meal by fireplace.
    7) Fave movie in rainstorm: “The Mechanic” with Charles Bronson & Jan-Michael Vincent.
    8) Fave home: A 2 bedroom log house with wrap-around porch surrounded by Pine trees with a pond nearby with Ducks & Geese. I would have a barn with 2 horses: Palominos & a HUGE Cattery with cats that no one wanted. Inside would be my Purrince Siddhartha Burmese kittyboy & a Husky dog…..I can dream…..
    9) Life for me is an adventure…some days it is good & some days I’m in the sh*t!!!
    10) I try to always LIKE peoples’ posts here so they KNOW I am reading them. I comment when I feel I have something valuable to say. (Purrince Siddhartha comments whenever he can because he is a VERY opinionated cat!!!)
    Whew that was thought provoking Prakash! I hope you enjoyed the answers & if you have any questions please let me know ok?
    Sherri-Ellen 🙂

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