Hello Blogger! Ahoy! 


You have reached the Incredible Blogger Marathon Challenge (IBMC).  Welcome!

And thank you for landing up here. This challenge is created with the presumption that bloggers love to do challenges and prompts.

The IBMC is a series of ten task challenge. All the ten tasks are of different variety; varying variety that will prove the versatility in the blogger.

This challenge is also listed as a WordPress Event which can be found HERE


  • The blogger can start the challenge at any point of time but the constraint is that it has to be completed within 15 days of the start. So, plan well before start.
  • There are 10 challenges and 15 days to complete (05 buffer days can be well used).
  • One cannot complete more than three tasks on same day.
  • The tasks have to be taken up in the same order as they are numbered.
  • Every task is associated with a logo which will have to be used along with the prompt.
  • On completing all the challenges, IBMC logo can be added up to the blog.
  • If you want to do only a few challenges out of 10, you are free to do so. Only that you cannot use the final logo of challenge completion.

Add the below logo once all the challenges are completed.


While in any doubts, feel free to assume the things comfortable to you.  The aim of all the challenges is to think a little bit, scribble a little bit, read a little bit and enjoy the writing.

You can find the list of challenges below. All the best. I hope you will enjoy doing all the 10 prompts.

IBMC #01:  Phrase a Paragraph Challenge

IBMC #02: Freeze a Foto Challenge

IBMC #03: Risk for a Random Challenge

IBMC #04: Hunt a Haiku Challenge

IBMC #05: The Not So Quite Quote Challenge

IBMC #06: The Mass Media Challenge

IBMC #07: The News and Paper Challenge

IBMC #08: The Nursery Rhyme Challenge

IBMC #09: The Be a Baby Challenge

IBMC #10: The Happiness Challenge


You can check all those who have completed the challenge here:

The Challengers

The Challengers

Congratulations on finishing all the tasks. This page will include all the challengers who have completed the IBMC. The Challengers: The first one to complete the challenge is Abrar Farhan Zaman who runs the blog INKuisitive Mind. Do look out for his interesting posts. He is a vivid writer and all his prompts on the challenges … Continue reading The Challengers

194 thoughts on “IBMC

  1. Hi, is the challenge still going on ?
    I’m out of the city next week and I know that I won’t be able to finish it.
    But I’m hoping to take it up (and complete it) as soon as I’m back !!

    Liked by 1 person

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