
A blogger gets inspiration to write from a hundred means. If we list those top 10, one definitely is when a fellow blogger nominates you for an award.

Yellow Ribbon Award isolated on white background

This page links to all such awards which added glitters to this blog!

1. Very Inspiring Blogger Award

2. Premio Dardos Award

3. Versatile Blogger Award

4. Blog Tour Award

5. Creative Bloggers Award

6. Liebster Award 

7. Brotherhood of the World Award

8. The Life Coach Blog Award

9. Starlight Blogger Award

10. The Sunshine Blogger Award

Sunshine Blogger Award

I was nominated by Cherry from the blog That Indian Girl in Sweden for The Sunshine Blogger Award. Yayy. Awards are fun. Rules: 1. Thank the blogger who nominated you in your blog post and a link back to the blog. 2. Answering 11 questions that the Blogger asked you. 3. Nominate 11 new bloggers … Continue reading Sunshine Blogger Award

Very Inspiring Blogger Award

Rules: 1. Thank the person who nominated you by linking his/her blog and display the award logo. Thank you so much Prachi , Paramita and Shilarya for the nomination. It’s really a happy moment! 🙂   2. Nominate at least 15 other blogs (more or less). Link their blogs and inform them about the nomination. Here are my … Continue reading Very Inspiring Blogger Award

Premio Dardos Award

Happiness can exist only in acceptance – George Orwell Thank you Lisa. This is Honor, for nominating my blog for the PREMIO DARDOS Award!   Here are the 11 People i would like to pass this on! 1. VoiceURmind – Upen Reddy: Small rhyme he writes, glows like the lights. 2.  Walking Into My Dreams – Nishita: Just  reach there, … Continue reading Premio Dardos Award

The Versatile Blogger Award

My sincere thanks to Hargun Wahi,  Inspiring Max,  Sasha,  Aashi, Eddaz, Marie E.Williams, Siddhartha Henry, Kiran Goswami, Jyoti and Bullyboy Shammypapa for Nominating me for versatile blogger award. This is fun! Really! The Rules: Show the award on your blog. Thank the person who nominated you. Share seven facts about yourself. Nominate 15 blogs. Link your nominees’ blogs, and let them know. Seven Facts: One: … Continue reading The Versatile Blogger Award

Blog Tour Award

  I was nominated by I-read for the Blog Tour Award. This is something different and unique. Thank you so much for considering me worthy and for the nomination. Rules: 1. Pass the tour on up to four other bloggers. 2. Give them the rules and a specific Monday to post. 3. Answer four questions … Continue reading Blog Tour Award

Creative Bloggers Award

“I want to win an award that doesn’t exist yet. Well, I want my clone to win it, and that’s almost the same thing—and he also doesn’t exist yet, so it’s perfect.” ― Jarod Kintz Thank you so much Musings on Life, Rebirth of Lisa, Archita Rai, 4 Year Old Adult and Nishita for the nomination. Am glad and … Continue reading Creative Bloggers Award

Liebster Award

I was Nominated by The Tezzy Files, Don’t Get Wasted, Nimi Naren, A Simple Life, Pratyu and Ajay Vyas for LIEBSTER Award. Thank you so much people! It means a lot! Rules: 1. Thank the blogger who nominated you 2. Use the picture for the award 3. Answer the ten questions given to you 4. Nominate … Continue reading Liebster Award

The Life Coach Blog Award

I would like to thank Sridhar for presenting me with Life Coach Blog Award and this nice Badge! It’s definitely Happiness! The Badge is linked to my portfolio post which I had written for OldGlobe discussing about Ageing Society and We. The posts can be found here: Ageing, Society and We which discusses about following: 1. … Continue reading The Life Coach Blog Award

Starlight Blogger Award

I was nominated by Swatii and Nimmi for the Starlight Blogger award. Awards are always fun! It’s a motivation to blog better. Most importantly it also helps in making good blogger friends. I express my gratitude for considering and nominating me for this award. Rules: Thank the giver and link their blog to your post … Continue reading Starlight Blogger Award

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