Natural Order in A to Z

It’s April of 2024 and Day 14 of the A to Z challenge. This year I am doing the theme of ‘26 Moments’ on my blog. I plan to pull out A to Z parts from diverse set which are more than just the parts and possibly describe the world of their own.  It can be a wonder, an invention, a community, the philosophy, a thought, a lead, a culture, a design, or basically anything that would make one wonder and ponder on.  26 imperfect petite flashes that are amongst and around us.

My everyday will have a selection, description, an eight line poem followed by an interpretation.

There is a natural order and there is man-made order. When man made order imbalances the nature, nature finds its way to balance it. I like the concept that comes from Chinese Taoism – ‘Way of Nature’. The theory says that there can be a good government only when there is a perfect harmony between way of man and way of nature. They both have to balance each other. Talking from philosophical perspective, natural order is the moral source by which nature law seeks to derive its authority from. There is always a way by which perish is balanced by thrive and then the nature seeks the balance. Every loss has a gain and vice versa.  Universe has a natural order and we humans have to abide to it.

Interest in term Natural Order – region-wise web search (from Google Trends, as of April 2024)

While the human
Keeps thinking
Makes machines
Builds sky scrapers
Talks advancement
Grabs everything
Finds its way.

And while the nature does that, we would still never know. We blame each other, play the blame game and continue to gamble further. Until an apocalypse?


It’s April of 2023 and Day 14 of the A to Z challenge. This year, I am doing the theme legendary creatures from cultures and folklore and an eight line poem along.

Day 14: Nixie

Culture: Shape shifting water spirit from German folklore

Description: They have variety of names like Nix, Nokken, Nixy etc. They have also been depicted in various forms over time like worm, dragon etc. Their sex, bynames and transformations vary geographically. They have been known to lure people into water.  


If you ever drown,
Do it with grace,
If you ever drown,
Face it and embrace.
While they vary
With name,
There will be a story
Of fame.

Every story that is ever told, has a hero, has a villain. Being fearless is the bottom line.  

Image References: By Theodor Kittelsen – 2. Nasjonalmuseet: No.21., Public Domain,

Ne plus ultra


Its April of 2019 and Day 14 of A to Z Challenge. I am doing Foreign word/phrase a day and 8 line poem for it.

Word/Phrase: ne plus ultra
Language: Latin
Meaning: the best example of something, the perfect, the ultimate

sun doesn’t make,
an ice sculpture,
fire doesn’t play,
with an ice sculpture,
oven doesn’t cook,
an ice sculpture,
ne plus ultra, of,

This poem, got me thinking. It’s the ending. After all, life is all about what we see and appreciate in the crowd. Hence, I decided to go with ‘doesn’t’. Not the ‘ice sculpture’ but ‘doesn’t’.

Nostalgia from A to Z


Its April of 2018 and Day 14 of A to Z Challenge. I am doing ‘Emotion’ a day picked from the bag of life, with an 8 line poem and a thought.

N is Nostalgia.

A seductive charm,
An acknowledged smell,
The longings left behind,
And the polished known,
Traps and holds,
In the mental cloud.
From the ‘once more’ bag,
Comes ‘Nostalgia’.
