Ab initio


Its April of 2019 and Day 01 of A to Z Challenge. I am doing Foreign word/phrase a day and 8 line poem for it. 

Word/Phrase: Ab initio
Language: Latin
Meaning: from the beginning, from the first principles

because, then god said,
your taps run water,
your cans house food,
your supplies contain bed.

because, then god said,
there is a map,
the dreams are naked,
ab initio.

God has given most of us, from day 0, the basic supplies(which is the map) and naked dreams. Are we fighting the right? Are we fighting the sufficient? One has to opt between dying with naked dreams or dying with matured fulfillment.

24 thoughts on “Ab initio

  1. ‘Ab initio’ is an excellent choice to begin your responses within your chosen theme. I’m not familiar with Latin so I’ve learnt a new phrase and its’ meaning. It interested me to realise that ‘ab’ is of course a Germanic word and the melding of continental/European languages is intriguing. Your poem is a fabulous retort, very enjoyable to ponder on your lines and your interpretative questions.

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